Tucker Carlson again criticized Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday for the actions he’s taken to deal with the influx of unlawful migrants.

Carlson was in Fort Worth for a Tarrant County Republican Party fundraiser. During the event, as previously reported by The Dallas Express, the pundit said, “I don’t understand how you can be governor of the state in 2020, and all of a sudden, the border opens up, and you get invaded, and you don’t do any better.”

“And allowing millions of people to invade your state is like having home invaders show up at your house and run out the back door,” he added. Carlson went on to say that the U.S. is in the midst of invasion and the state has refused to take bold action to combat unlawful migration.

“In a lot of ways, [Greg Abbott] is a wartime governor,” he opined, according to the Texas Scorecard. “There’s an invasion of your state. And he’s completely ignored it.”

This is not the first time that Carlson has blasted Gov. Abbott. As reported by The Dallas Express, during an event last year in Utica, Michigan, he proclaimed:

“How many Texans do you think are all on board with letting 7 million people cross into their state illegally? What percentage? Zero. I don’t care what your race or national origin — nobody is for that. Has the governor of Texas done anything meaningful to stop it? No.”

Abbott has not been shy about calling the situation at the southern border an invasion.

Just last month, at a campaign stop in Collin County, the governor said, “I have declared an invasion on our border,” adding, “When the federal government does not do its job as required by law, Texas has a right of self-defense, and we are going to use it,” as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

Abbott last December signed a border security package to combat unlawful migration into the state. While Carlson laid some of the blame for the border crisis at the Texas governor’s feet, Abbott has maintained that the fault rests squarely with the Biden administration.

“Four years ago, the United States had the fewest illegal border crossings in decades,” he said at the time. “It was because of four policies put in place by the Trump Administration that led to such a low number of illegal crossings. President Biden has eliminated all of those policies and done nothing to halt illegal immigration. President Biden’s deliberate inaction has left Texas to fend for itself.

“Today, I will sign three laws to better protect Texas—and America—from President Biden’s border neglect. These laws will help stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into Texas, add additional funding to build more border wall, and crackdown [sic] on human smuggling.”

According to Customs and Border Protection, 7.5 million encounters along the southern border have occurred since Biden came into office in 2021, as reported by DX.

As reported by The Dallas Express, for the past several months, Abbott has been at odds with the federal government in a legal back-and-forth over the floating barrier Texas installed on the Rio Grande, the razor and concertina wire Texas put up along the border, and most recently, Texas Senate Bill 4, the legislation Abbott signed that would make unlawful entry a state crime and allow Texas to intercept and deport unlawful migrants.

Nonetheless, despite the criticisms he levied against the Texas governor, Carlson did concede that Abbott is the lesser of two evils and he “probably” would have voted for Abbott over his Democrat opponents.