The Kaufman High School in Kaufman, Texas, has canceled classes on Friday. The cancellation comes after a threat was made on social media on Wednesday.

Kaufman High School officials notified parents of the school’s cancellation in a letter. “The threat did not include a specific time but was specific to a date: December 17,” the letter shared. “This falls in line with a national TikTok trend threatening to coordinate violence at schools on December 17, 2021.”

The letter also asked parents to address the subject with their children: “We encourage you to speak with your children about the importance of reporting threats to appropriate individuals. Terroristic threats are taken seriously at Kaufman High School.”

The Kaufman police have been involved in the investigation. A sweep of the school has turned up nothing so far, but police and school officials plan to conduct additional searches while keeping an eye on any additional threats.

“Out of an abundance of caution, the Kaufman High School campus will be closed to all students on Friday, December 17, 2021,” the letter stated.

While the threat could be a hoax, officials made clear to families how important the safety of students is. The letter stated, “Terroristic threats are taken seriously at Kaufman High School, and the campus administration along with district police will be further investigating this matter. We intend to keep Kaufman High School a safe place for all students to learn.”

This month, several Texas schools have received threats against their campuses and have been forced to cancel school. Earlier this week, classes were canceled for two consecutive days at Lone Star High School following a bomb threat.

Hebron High School in Carrollton also fell victim to recent threats, as did Flower Mound High School. The threat to Flower Mound High School is currently under investigation, as officials believe it may be linked to a threat made to Marcus High School.