
Plane Passenger Throws Fit Over Crying Baby

Southwest flight
Southwest Airlines | Image by VDB Photos/Shutterstock

A male passenger on a Southwest flight has gone viral after footage surfaced of his profanity-laced outburst over a crying child on a plane was released.

Passengers on this flight were bound for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but had been rerouted due to weather.

Mark Grabowski, one of these passengers, who had recorded the footage inside the plane, told FOX 35 that the flight had been turbulent and that the child onboard had been upset.

Turbulence on the plane had also prevented passengers from moving about the craft.

“Just out of nowhere this other passenger in the video basically said ‘Shut that baby up,’ and it escalated from there,” said Grabowski, according to Fox 35.

The unidentified passenger claimed that he had been asleep and listening to music and asked that the flight attendants calm the child. He continued to shout profanities because of the crying child while flight attendants attempted to calm him down.

“Why is the baby yelling? I’m not screaming. Want me to scream? I’ll [expletive] scream. Please stop the baby,” said the man in the video.

This verbal outburst continued as flight attendants, passengers, and a woman who appeared to be the man’s significant other attempted to calm the man.

“We are in a [expletive] tin can with a baby in a [expletive] echo chamber. If you want to talk to me about being [expletive] ok,” said the man in the video.

Eventually, the woman and her child were moved to a different section of the plane. Upon landing, the unruly passenger then refused to leave the aircraft. The man eventually disembarked, and authorities escorted him away.

While Southwest Airlines did not comment directly on the incident, the organization did commend the crew for maintaining composure.

“We commend our crew for exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation, and we offer our apologies to the other customers onboard who had to experience such unacceptable behavior,” said Southwest Airlines, according to Fox 35.

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  1. Senior

    Those of us who have had children understand that a baby could at times become what is known as “irreconcilability.” Unfortunately, the baby will cry and cry NO MATTER what you do to console it. Ask the parents of such a baby we are not happy with the situation either, but we all have to remember we were ALL babies at one time in our lives and give grace to these little ones.

    Although understandable, what this man did was really uncalled for so please learn from him and let him give these little ones some grace.

    • Fred


  2. Lanie

    Obviously this man has never had kids and thank heavens for that because he would be a horrible father. Hopefully Southwest has kicked him off permanently so no one has to listen to his foul mouth or God forbid, something wakes him up from his nap.

    • Fred

      I’m a father of 4 and grandfather to 12.
      Yours is obviously the response of a female.
      Before I ever subjected others to my child’s “dis-temper”, I would exclude myself from the event- movie, restaurant, etc- especially a situation that others could not escape.

      • Ted

        How you going to exclude yourself from an airplane? I bet your 4 kids and 12 grand kids are jerks just like you.

  3. Jay

    There were two babies acting up on that airplane and both of then were beyond reason. Prehaps the grown baby was echoing the infant baby. Sans the profanity what adult has not cried along with a child to shut them up? Understand me the use of vulgar words is never acceptable in public, but a little screaming never hurt anyone.

  4. Thomas

    Everyone who has flown any time in the last decade or so knows that it is a stressful experience. If it’s not a baby crying, it’s narrow seats, no elbow room, no head room, no leg room, sitting next to someone severely overweight, an aisle seat with someone closer in who is constantly getting up, snoring, coughing, turbulence, of whatever.

    If you haven’t figured out by now that you need to bring noise cancelling headphones, eye mask, hand sanitizer, snacks, ibuprofen, valium, or whatever you need to get by, you are a moron … and probably shouldn’t be allowed on a plane.

  5. Sam

    For all too many, it’s “all about me”



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