Sen. Ted Cruz took some time during two separate political rallies on Wednesday to condemn the anti-Israel demonstrations that have been taking place at college campuses across the nation this week.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Cruz attended two DFW rallies to support Andy Hopper, who is running for House District 64, and Cheryl Bean, who is running for House District 97. Both are running in the Republican primary runoffs for their respective districts.

Cruz (R-TX) took time during the rallies to call out the universities for allegedly siding with the anti-Israel protesters. At Hopper’s event, he pointed to an instance of alleged discrimination against a Jewish Columbia University faculty member who spoke out against the anti-Israel protests.

“Columbia had a Jewish professor who said, ‘I am going to go down there and speak up against this.’ You know what Columbia did? They revoked his badge and his pass to campus. And they said, ‘We don’t stand with our own professor. We stand with the mob instead,” Cruz told the crowd.

Demonstrations nationwide have led to reported acts of hate and anti-semitism. Protesters at Columbia University in New York were heard shouting, “We are Hamas” and “Go back to Poland.” Protesters have also been seen holding the Hezbollah terrorist flag, according to Fox News.

After Hopper’s campaign event, Cruz went to Bean’s event, where he said that anti-Israel students who threaten the safety of other students should be dealt with firmly.

“Any radical who threatens the safety of another student should be arrested, they should be prosecuted, they should be expelled, and if they’re from another country, they should be deported,” Cruz said at Bean’s campaign event, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.

Bean also expressed her opposition to the anti-Israel protests.

“We keep forgetting that it wasn’t the Jews that went out and made the first strike. It was the Palestinians,” Bean said, referring to the October 6 terrorist attack by Hamas in southern Israel, per the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.