Apparently, Dallas City Council Member Paul Ridley, who represents District 14, may have saved ForwardDallas, the City’s proposed comprehensive land use plan.

CandysDirt reported that Ridley engineered a significant number of compromises geared toward assuaging the fears of residents in single-family zoned neighborhoods who do not want different types of housing to start cropping up near their homes.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, residents have expressed fear and outrage over the proposal’s emphasis on increasing density in Dallas, believing that multifamily housing — and the problems typically associated with it — would undermine the character of single-family neighborhoods.


All that being said, to learn more about ForwardDallas, consider coming to a community event organized by The Dallas Express and CandysDirt on September 18. Come learn about ForwardDallas and why it matters to you — don’t miss out!

Anyway, here is some of what CandysDirt reported on Ridley’s efforts to advance ForwardDallas:

Seven long days have passed without in-depth reporting on the much-debated ForwardDallas 2.0 land use plan, but don’t worry. We’ll say it again for those in the back — Dallas City Councilman Paul Ridley helped reach some important compromises with single-family home advocates last week, and now it’s headed to Council. was the first to report last week that ForwardDallas 2.0 made it out of the Dallas City Council’s Economic Development Committee and will be briefed at a public hearing before the full council on Sept. 25.

At the Sept. 3 Eco Dev Committee meeting, District 14 Councilman Paul Ridley introduced into the record many compromises that would ensure the protection of single-family neighborhoods.

Some spectators said Ridley “saved” ForwardDallas through his efforts to quell resident fears without entirely removing pieces of the land use plan that address housing.