Founded in 2018, the International Cryotherapy Professionals Alliance (CryoProsUnited) is a global platform that provides education, training, and other cryotherapy and wellness-related resources. It also provides resources to build and run a thriving cryotherapy business.

The CryoProsUnited member portal is the industry’s largest materials library and support center, operated by a dedicated team of highly skilled and successful cryotherapy entrepreneurs.

CINA, the originator and promoter of the inaugural CryoCON National Cryotherapy Convention that took place this past year in February, has partnered with the industry’s most extensive resource and communication platform, CryoProsUnited.


They hope to make the 2022 event international in scale and illustrative of the growth within the industry around the world. They have now released the dates; CryoCON2022 is scheduled for March 22-25, 2022, at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel.

CryoCON is an event that unites business owners, franchise owners, and manufacturers of cryotherapy. It also introduces a variety of other holistic wellness equipment, providers of related products, services, and many other professionals in the industry.

The three-day program incorporates plenaries, panels, workshops, exhibitions, equipment demonstrations, and social gatherings. CryoCON offers great learning opportunities, relationship building, and networking for any involved in the industry.

Kelly Carden of CINA said, “CryoCON2021 was a huge success and very well attended, despite the pandemic-related hesitancy and travel restrictions. About half of the world’s cryotherapy providers are in the United States, but next year we also want to meet and engage with the other half – our colleagues from Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. For this reason, it made sense for CINA to partner with CryoProsUnited and combine our efforts in making CryoCON2022 even bigger and better than the first-ever cryotherapy industry convention CryoCON2021.”

Learn more about CINA and CryoCON2022 here:

Learn more about CryoProsUnited here: