Steven Monacelli Accused of Racist Harassment by Dallas Justice Now

A local black activist group has accused a local blogger, Steven Monacelli, of repeatedly targeting them with racist harassment and a far-fetched conspiracy theory that was subsequently debunked.

Dallas Justice Now (DJN) describes itself as “a member-driven project of activists, researchers, and local leaders dedicated to making our city more just” and highlights local minority-owned businesses, among other initiatives.

Dallas Justice Now Representative Speaks on Steven Monacelli’s Twitter

Micah Mitchell, who is black and a representative for DJN, told The Dallas Express, “What is particularly disconcerting to us is that [Monacelli] has an alleged history of domestic violence and has made it very clear on social media that he is a gun owner.”

These comments apparently refer to social media posts on Twitter in which Monacelli brandishes a weapon pointed at the camera and another in which he appears to implicitly threaten likely Democratic party superdelegates during the 2020 primary season. Mitchell also appears, in his mention of domestic violence, to reference a report in which Monacelli was reportedly caught bragging in public about a sexual encounter with a woman.

“We are preoccupied with our general safety and the security of our volunteers and partner businesses when this man makes these racist threats. He is trying to keep us down, presumably on behalf of folks who want to see Black people poor, welfare-dependent, and victims of a school-to-prison pipeline.”

Mitchell continued, “When we talk about building up Black Wall Street in Dallas, building quality schools and safe streets, he and his benefactors become nervous. They want to keep us down and should be condemned for it.”

Mitchell also claimed that Monacelli has actively interfered with DJN’s efforts to uplift local minority-owned businesses in the community.

Monacelli ‘Fired’ from Freelancing with the Dallas Observer

Monacelli wrote an article suggesting that DJN was connected with a separate activist group. After the other group provided evidence that no such connection existed, the post was corrected, and Monacelli was “fired” from continuing his freelancing with the Dallas Observer. He also wrote an article for The Texas Observer, which was closed days later after 68 years in service.

Mitchell claimed to The Dallas Express that, despite being proven wrong, Monacelli continues to harass the group, sometimes using what they perceive as racist tropes and language by mocking the group and appointing himself as the arbiter of correct black opinion.

“As a former theatre major at an elite private college, he represents the worst of white privilege while preaching for others his stated goal of a ‘political revolution’ surely led by lily-white elites,” Mitchell claimed.

Monacelli Seemingly Born into Wealth & Privilege

Research indicates that Monacelli himself appears to come from considerable wealth. The couple who appear to be his parents own a multimillion-dollar home in the pricey Westlake community in addition to other expensive properties. In 2020, the family purchased a Florida home within a luxury golf community.

The family has also maintained an interest in luxury sailing and is currently selling a 58-foot power cruiser for $430,000.

Monacelli’s parents, Gene and Cecilia Monacelli, also purchased a condo within a gated community for him in 2019 by loaning the blogger $236,668. The younger Monacelli “promised to pay … the debt in full not later than October 1, 2024.”

However, by 2021, Monacelli had failed to make any payments on the property, and the loan agreement was modified so that he would pay $1,000 a month to his parents for the continued use of the property.

After graduating from college, it appears Monacelli’s father got him a job at the large business consulting firm Deloitte where he serves as a partner, and where his son worked from 2013 to 2015. He then worked at Google in several positions, including the global business strategy and operations team.

While living in Washington, D.C., Monacelli seemingly lived in a top-floor apartment. In San Francisco, he occupied an apartment with vaulted ceilings and large windows. Since leaving Google, Monacelli has worked as a “freelance strategy consultant.”

“He seems to delight in terrorizing black and brown activists who don’t adhere to his supremacist beliefs,” says Mitchell, who describes a visit from Monacelli to a black female-owned business.

Mitchell also claims that Monacelli has criticized one of DJN’s leaders, Ndure Cain, for moving to Dallas and engaging in activism.

Cain, according to Mitchell, “is Native American and Black … so after years of broken treaties against his ancestors, we think it is wildly inappropriate to interrupt the good work he is doing in communities of color in Dallas.”

“This idea that Ndure, a Native American/Black man is suddenly mislabeled and misrepresented as a transplant is insulting but to be expected … given the history of this country we call the United States of America,” Mitchell expressed.

Ndure Cain Deemed Monacelli a ‘Racist White Vigilante’

Cain has previously denounced Monacelli as a “racist white vigilante” who “owes me and my brothers and sisters an apology for his constant attacks on our character,” referring to Monacelli’s focus on the black and brown activist group and his alleged efforts to inflict his personal brand of justice on this group.

“He has attacked our policy position on charter schools … yet he [wouldn’t] be caught dead attending or teaching in these failing public schools and he sure as hell didn’t go to a failing [public] school,” Mitchell claimed. “He has no real idea what the consequences of sending a child to these schools [are].”

Monacelli attended Colleyville Heritage High School before matriculating to Northwestern University. He received a bachelor’s degree in theater, perhaps prompting his current blogging activities.

Mitchell continued, “Black people and their culture are not monolithic. Not all of us think the same way. Some of us are progressive, others conservative, others Democrat and still others Independent and vote on how a politician will best serve the narratives that are most important to them.”

“But with everything that has happened to struggling Black families in Dallas in the last two years, the violence, the disparity, the unheard needs,” Mitchell concluded, “Steve wants to keep pointing fingers at people of color working on the DJN campaign.”

A review of his various social media platforms shows that Monacelli has routinely enjoyed traveling both domestically and abroad. In the past several years, he has taken trips to resorts in Aspen and Tahoe, stayed at luxury hotels in Nashville, and visited Japan, Singapore, Toronto, Paris, and Mexico.

His social media posts seemingly confirm an interest in sexual humor, sharing an image of a “pencil d*ck,” joking about “gettin dirty” at a Kum & Go gas station, and claiming to stay at an apartment used as a “photo studio for a tasteful gay pornographic magazine.”

Monacelli Mid-Lawsuit with the City of Dallas

Monacelli is also in the midst of a lawsuit with the City of Dallas over allegations of “violating his rights under the U.S. Constitution, including protections against the use of excessive force and unlawful arrest.” The lawsuit claims that the blogger was unlawfully detained and injured by police during a protest in 2020.

Dallas has answered by suggesting such claims are “bereft of factual allegations to state a plausible claim to relief, or enough facts to permit a reasonable inference that … the City acted with deliberate indifference to Plaintiff’s constitutional rights.”

A motion to dismiss the case is scheduled to be heard in April.

The Dallas Express reached out to Monacelli by email and asked him about the accusations of racist harassment, the specific phrases or statements that may have been construed as such, and whether he’s currently employed. He did not respond by the deadline.

Disclosure: The Dallas Express has previously sued The Dallas Weekly and Mr. Steven Monacelli, a local blogger, for making false and defamatory statements.

Note: This article was updated on March 23, 2023, at 10:10 a.m. to correct an error.