The three bedroom, three bathroom home at 9826 Amberton Parkway, Dallas was sold on June 1, 2021 by Mostofa Rahat Mozumdar (attorney-in-fact) and Sadia Iffath Mozumdar. The property is appraised at $148,280. The buyers were Melanie K. and Woodrow F. Blok and Norma J. Gorter.

The property tax paid for this property in 2018 was $3,336.72. This is 2.25% of the appraised value of the home.

The last time this home sold was June 21, 2017.

This property is one of 201 sales in Dallas in June 2021.

According to the Texas Secretary of State, there was one registered voter residing at 9826 Amberton Parkway, Dallas as of Oct. 10, 2020: Asmaa Faddouli Ibrahim, 41.

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