On June 1, 2021, Eric Jackson and Mary Elizabeth Weatherford purchased a four bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home at 6642 Greenwich Lane, Dallas from Corleen and James Helwig. The property is appraised at $672,160.

In 2018, the property tax paid for this property was $16,881.90, which is 2.51% of the appraised value of the home.

The last time this home sold was Sept. 10, 2014.

In June 2021, 201 properties sold in Dallas.

According to the Texas Secretary of State, James Stanley Helwig has been registered to vote since 1998. Corleen Miles Helwig has been registered to vote since 1998.

The Texas Secretary of State data shows that there were three registered voters residing at 6642 Greenwich Lane, Dallas as of Oct. 10, 2020: Joseph Henry Lindsay, 71, James Stanley Helwig, 71, and Corleen Miles Helwig, 71.

This story was found on BlockShopper.com.