On June 1, 2021, Arturo Hernandez Sanchez and Kathia Beatriz Cano Ugarte purchased a four bedroom, three bathroom home at 3806 Citadel Drive, Garland from David and Whitney Tilley. The property is appraised at $262,050.

The property tax paid for this property in 2018 was $7,366.48. This is 2.81% of the appraised value of the home.

The last time this home sold was Feb. 28, 2019.

In June 2021, 49 properties sold in Garland.

According to the Texas Secretary of State, Whitney Cay Tilley (42) has been registered to vote since 2018.

The Texas Secretary of State data shows that Tilley was the only registered voter residing at 3806 Citadel Drive, Garland as of Oct. 10, 2020.

This story was found on BlockShopper.com.