Two restaurants in Arlington recently failed their health inspections. According to city information obtained by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, nearly 100 restaurants in Arlington were inspected between February 13 and February 26.

Of the 100 restaurants inspected, Pho Pasteur Restaurant and Take a Bao scored points that are extremely poor by the standards of city health inspectors.

A 100-point system is used in Arlington inspections. 100 is a perfect score while 70 and below are considered extremely poor scores. Restaurants that score 75 or less will be reinspected.

Both Pho Pasteur Restaurant and Take a Bao scored 67 on initial inspections. However, Take a Bao scored 87 in its follow up inspection, taking itself from the red zone.

A follow up inspection is yet to be conducted on Pho Pasteur Restaurant.

Pho Pasteur Restaurant is located at 100 W. Pioneer Parkway Suite 158. Take a Bao is located at 2390 E. Lamar Blvd.