Southlake City Councilwoman Amy Torres-Lepp has resigned following an investigation showing she voted for a development in which her husband owned the property being rezoned.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, according to tax rolls and other documents provided to DX, Mrs. Torres-Lepp voted for the zoning change in which her husband, Scott Lepp, was the property owner despite a clear personal conflict of interest and violation of the state local government code.

Chapter 171 of the Local Government Code – Conflicts of Interest speaks to this clearly:


Chapter 171 of the Local Government Code regulates local public officials’ conflicts of interest. TEX. LOC. GOV’T CODE §§ 171.001-.010. It prohibits a local public official from voting on or participating in a matter involving a business entity or real property in which the official has a substantial interest if an action on the matter will result in a special economic effect on the business that is distinguishable from the effect on the public, or in the case of a substantial interest in real property, it is reasonably foreseeable that the action will have a special economic effect on the value of the property, distinguishable from its effect on the public. Id. §171.004(a).

“Councilmember Amy Torres-Lepp has advised the city council that due to personal issues she had already decided not to run for re-election in her place in 2025 and has decided and feels it is best for her to resign from city council and her place effective immediately,” Southlake Mayor Shawn McCaskill said during the January 22 city council meeting.

Members from the public reacted to the news.

“This is an easy one… but seriously this nepotism is RAMPANT in our govt. all it takes is a tiny bit of journalism,” Julie Davis wrote on X.

“Why do these people risk their profession and reputation by doing these unethical things that will be eventually made public?” posted A K Norrian on X.

The Dallas Express reached out to former Councilwoman Torres-Lepp for comment but did not respond.