Americans flashed back in time to 2020 tonight as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump debated again to be the leader of the country.

Here are the winners and losers:


  • CNN. Hosting the presidential debate brought elevated viewership and attention to the network.
  • American citizens. It’s becoming increasingly apparent how important this upcoming election is, so this showing could inspire discussion and research about what each candidate brings to the table.
  • Undecided voters. This debate could easily sway a voter to select a candidate for their next president, although it depends on their priorities.


  • American citizens (again). Are these the best candidates we could find to run our country?
  • Biden. The current president stumbled through several embarrassing moments of mumbled words and lost trains of thought, making him appear unfit to be elected a second time around.
  • Biden (yes, again) and Trump. The sad truth? Both spouted false claims.