Texas Governor Greg Abbott is taking action to address the influx of unlawful migrants expected at the border with the expiration of Title 42.

In a May 10 interview on Fox News’ Jesse Watters Primetime, Abbott expressed his commitment to supporting the Texas National Guard and Texas Department of Public Safety officers in their efforts to repel thousands of migrants attempting to cross the border.

As The Dallas Express has extensively covered, Title 42 was a border policy enacted by then-President Donald Trump in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been used to remove more than 2.5 million unlawful migrants but expires on May 11.

In preparation for the expected surge of unlawful migrants attempting to flood the southern border, Abbott announced through a press release from his office on May 8 his plans to bulk up border security efforts by deploying hundreds more Texas National Guard soldiers to join Operation Lone Star.

While speaking with Jesse Watters of Fox News, Abbott further detailed his strategy to deter unauthorized entry at the southern border.

Building a razor wire wall at weak points, such as the 29 sections identified by DPS Director Steve McCraw in the governor’s press release, where people might try to enter the country illegally is a large part of the strategy.

Referring to a video showing people trying to enter the country illegally after crossing the river at Matamoros-Brownsville that Abbott reposted on Twitter that day, Abbott told Fox News that he wants to continue building razor walls at sections up and down the border.

“We’ve seen this work. We’re going to repeat it as often as possible up and down the border,” Abbott explained to host Watters.

Another video showing how this barrier of razor wire might work on a river was reposted by Abbott on Twitter the following day.

“Texas is taking action around the clock to respond to Biden’s border crisis. We’re doing what no state has ever done before. While Biden lays out the welcome mat, Texas will do everything possible to repel illegal immigrants,” Abbott commented.

Abbott also told host Watters that he fully intended to continue bussing unlawful migrants from the border to sanctuary cities in other states.

“They love Lori Lightfoot,” Abbott added.

As The Dallas Express reported, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently addressed a letter to Abbott at the end of April condemning the practice, which she referred to as an “inhumane and dangerous action.”

As the date for Title 42’s expiration has approached, the federal authorities have repeated that this does not mean people can enter the country unlawfully without any consequences.

For instance, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas vowed to expel unlawful migrants while touring the border at Brownsville on May 5, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

“The border is not open, it has not been open, and it will not be open subsequent to May 11,” Mayorkas added, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

Abbott similarly vowed during his interview with Fox News that he would continue to shore up the border with National Guard and DPS teams to block the thousands of migrants expected to try to cross the border in the coming days.

John Cornelio, a spokesman for the U.S. Northern Command, reported that approximately 550 soldiers, mostly from the Army, have been deployed to the border in a bid to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Another 950 soldiers from both the Army and the Marines are expected to join them by the end of May.

The local authorities are also bracing for the expiration of Title 42.