Texas voters passed 13 constitutional amendments Tuesday that will institute several changes in the state, such as property tax cuts, teacher retirement benefit raises, heightened regulatory oversight, and new infrastructure funds.

Voter turnout in Texas topped 14% — the highest for a constitutional amendment election since 2005, according to the Texas Secretary of State.

Election day ballots in Texas included 14 amendments, with all but one being passed. The only one not greenlit by voters was a measure to alter the retirement age for judges. 

One of the more notable amendments passed was Proposition 4, which will establish $18 billion in property tax cuts. Also noteworthy was Proposition 9, which will provide retired teachers a cost-of-living raise to their pension. 

Funds established through other passed amendments covered park conservation, fixing water pipes, and a boost to natural gas power plants. 

Houston’s mayoral race will go into a runoff between two Democrats, as neither got to a majority: U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and Texas Sen.John Whitmire, the latter leading Tuesday’s results by 7%.

Cody Smith was elected mayor of Uvalde with 65% of the vote. He previously held the position more than a decade ago.  

Below is the list of the 14 constitutional amendments voted on November 7 by Texans. 

Proposition 1 passed with 79% of the vote. It requires state and local governments to prove that new farming and ranching practices protect the public.

Proposition 2 passed with 65% of the vote to allow cities and counties to exempt childcare providers from property taxes.

Proposition 3 passed with 68% of the vote to require lawmakers to receive approval from voters before establishing new state taxes on net worth or wealth.

Proposition 4 passed with 83% of the vote to establish the $18 billion property tax cut.

Proposition 5 passed with 64% of the vote to create a “Texas University Fund,” which will use a $3.9 billion endowment to boost research at universities. 

Proposition 6 passed with 78% of the vote. It will establish a water fund administered by the Texas Water Development Board to address deteriorating pipes.

Proposition 7 passed with 65% of the vote to establish an energy fund for companies with natural gas-fueled power plants.

Proposition 8 passed with 69% of the vote to establish a $1.5 billion fund to expand internet access. 

Proposition 9 passed with 84% of the vote to establish a cost-of-living raise for retired teacher pensions.

Proposition 10 passed with 55% of the vote. It bans property taxes on the equipment and inventory of medical manufacturers from being collected by cities, countries, and schools.  

Proposition 11 passed with 63% of the vote. It allows conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds that fund recreational development and improvement. 

Proposition 12 passed with 53% of the vote to abolish the Galveston County office of the treasure.

Proposition 13 was rejected with only 37% of the vote. It would have altered the mandatory retirement age for state judges from 75 to 79 and the minimum retirement age from 70 to 75.

Proposition 14 passed with 76% of the vote to create a more than $1 billion centennial parks conservation fund to boost and establish new state parks.