Mitch Little, one of the lead defense attorneys in Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial, has announced that he will run for the Texas House.

Little explained, “While defending Attorney General Paxton, I had a front row seat to witness the weaponization of state power by a corrupt Texas House to silence conservatives,” as stated on X.

“They squandered millions of dollars on a sham impeachment while hard-working Texans battle inflation and high taxes,” he continued.

“We need leaders in the Texas House who will fight for conservative principles valued by their constituents instead of taking order from liberal House leadership.”

“I supported Kronda Thimesch, the one-term incumbent in the past and even served as her campaign treasurer because she said she would stand up for conservative values,” Little said. “But her very first votes were to elect a liberal Speaker, allow left-wing Democrats to Chair important committees and put an Obama lawyer in charge of House proceedings.”

“That’s not standing up for conservatives; that’s selling us out to the Austin establishment,” he emphasized.

“I am an unapologetic conservative,” Little concluded. “I will fight for our values and oppose the liberal establishment on every front.”

In response to the announcement, Attorney General Paxton stated on X, “Very excited that [Mitch Little] is running! He [will] be a true conservative fighter for the Texas House!”

During the impeachment trial, Little stood out as an effective litigator, particularly in cross-examinations, where he more than once got witnesses called by the House managers to seemingly undermine their own case.

In one such example, Little elicited testimony from a whistleblower who apparently had no documented evidence of unlawful action by Paxton and only made allegations based on “good faith belief,” as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

Since the trial, Little has been highly critical of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) and allies regarding the impeachment process and their apparent failure to take legislative action on issues like border security, vaccine mandate bans, and other legislative priorities, per The Dallas Express.

After filing for the race, Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano), one of the House managers and a close ally of Speaker Phelan, attacked Little.

“I love this so much,” Leach posted on X. “[Kronda Thimesch] had an amazing first session. And watching her crush Mitch Little – or ‘Little Mitch’ as he’s known by many – will be a blast. Can’t wait!”

Little responded by sharing a link to a legal training book called Closing Arguments & the P.E.R.M. Technique: Win Big, More Often.

Leach had given a short closing argument in the impeachment trial that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and others heavily criticized as being disloyal, disingenuous, and ineffective.

Leach and the House managers were routed during the impeachment trial, failing to convince even half of the senators that Paxton did anything that deserved being removed from office.

Little joins a cohort of pro-Paxton candidates challenging Republicans who voted to impeach Paxton during the regular session earlier this year. As reported by The Dallas Express, the attorney general has endorsed several of these primary opponents.

“Texas conservatives have seen their State House hijacked by liberal RINO Republicans for far too long,” Paxton said. “Texas should be a leading beacon for conservative policies.”

“Instead, Texas has had to watch a liberal House Speaker and his loyalists kill hundreds of pieces of conservative legislation that would unleash untold economic growth and secure even more freedom,” Paxton continued. “I have had enough, and I know conservative voters have had enough.”