A Texas state senator who was charged with drunk driving earlier this year has reportedly had the charges against him dropped.

About a month into the 88th General Session, Sen. Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown) was arrested by members of the Austin Police Department for allegedly driving while intoxicated, as reported by The Dallas Express.

However, the charges have been dropped, according to Schwertner’s attorney, Perry Minton.

The lawyer explained, “I’ve been informed by the county attorney’s office that the DWI charges against Sen. Schwertner have been dismissed,” per WTAW.

“This is the right decision based strictly on the evidence. Sen. Schwertner is grateful for this quick decision and remains focused on his family and constituents,” Minton continued.

The Travis County District Attorney José Garza has received substantial criticism for being “soft-on-crime, hard-on-cops,” amidst a massive police shortage in Austin and rising crime, as reported by The Dallas Express.

At the time of Schwertner’s arrest, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick highlighted the problems politicians seem to have with alcohol, noting, “This is the second time in two sessions a member of the legislature has been arrested for DWI.”

“There is zero excuse for driving under the influence and putting lives in danger, in particular by a member of the legislature whose conduct should be held to a higher standard,” he added.

In the House, several members have recently been arrested for alleged drunk driving, including Rep. Victoria Neave-Criado (D-Dallas).

Furthermore, some allege that being drunk while on the job is a pervasive issue in the lower chamber.

When the video of Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) slurring his words and struggling to stand steady went viral in the closing days of the session, many accused him of being drunk at the dais.


To this day, Phelan has not offered an explanation for his behavior or denied being intoxicated. Critics have called him “Drunk Dade” in derision.

Attorney General Ken Paxton even called for Phelan’s resignation, but shortly thereafter, the House announced impeachment proceedings against the AG.

Former Texas Rep. Jonathan Stickland called attention to the apparently widespread issue, saying, “Anyone who watched the … House knows many of the members are regularly intoxicated. … These Representatives are making laws that impact 30 million Texans. It must stop.”