
Texans: Child Gender Modification Is Abuse

A transgender flag being waved | Image by Ink Drop/Shutterstock

A poll from the University of Houston found that a majority of Texans would support legislation defining child sex alteration surgery as child abuse.

Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-Royse City) has filed legislation to list a wide variety of actions sometimes taken “to change or affirm a child’s perception of the child’s sex” as abuse.

Some of these items proposed for reclassification include “castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty.”

The survey, conducted by the Hobby School of Public Affairs earlier this month, found that 57% of respondents supported proposals to classify child sex modification as abusive, effectively banning the practice.

When broken up by political affiliation, Democrats were the only group not to support the idea by a supermajority, with only 36% backing it. The proposal was approved by 73% of Republicans and 67% of independents.

Respondents who had a child under the age of 18 still living at home concurred with defining the practice as child abuse 68% of the time, while only 52% of those without a minor at home thought the same.

Along a similar line, 65% of citizens within the state thought it should be illegal for people to change the sex of a minor on a birth certificate except in such cases where an error had been made or “if the minor at birth had atypical or ambiguous sex organs,” according to the Hobby School survey.

Once again, Democrats were the only political subset not to favor legislation to do so, with 45% supporting the proposal. In contrast, 79% of Republicans agreed with the ban, alongside 75% of independents.

An even higher percentage of respondents (69%) expressed support for laws requiring schools to receive consent from parents before students could receive “sexuality instruction.” A majority of Democrats (55%) backed this regulation, alongside 82% of Republicans and 78% of independents.

Andrew Brown, the associate vice president of policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, suggested to The Dallas Express, “I think what the University of Houston poll shows is that the vast majority of the public, their just gut reaction when they learn about the experimental medical procedures that are being performed on children, is to reject that experimentation.”

He added, “They basically know intuitively what the emerging scientific research is showing us, which is, there is no conclusive evidence at all that puberty blocker, cross-sex hormones, and surgical interventions actually help children who are struggling with gender dysphoria.”

Brown did offer a note of caution, however, about labeling it specifically as “abuse” because of the risks of “separating a child from their family and pulling them into the state run foster care system.”

He continued, “I think really that polling demonstrates that the vocal minority of folks who are pushing this radical agenda really is a very, very small but very, very loud minority in the state of Texas and across the country.”

However, proponents of “gender-affirming care” for minors, such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), claim that prohibitions against such programs prevent “life-saving” care.

HHS claims that the practice “improves the mental health and overall well-being of gender diverse children and adolescents” and “has been shown to increase positive outcomes for transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents.”

Recently, a transgender youth clinic in Dallas was allowed to begin accepting minors again after the chief medical director sued against its prior closure on the grounds that it was “discriminatory against patients based upon their gender identity.”

The Dallas Express reached out to the Transgender Education Network of Texas and Equality Texas for a response to the survey’s findings but did not receive one from either organization prior to publication.

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  1. Moderator

    Why would the case be that a minor can’t have a tattoo, but they can have a sex change/gender modification, gene therapy, etc.? Of course there are some very loud parents regarding supporting the uneducated and inexperienced child’s ‘sexual identity’ crisis.

    I fully agree that it is abusive to young children and irreparable in many cases. Definitely should be off the table until a human legally becomes an adult.

    They finally turn into adults and go “oops!”…Then what? Have a reverse surgery? I guess it’s possible, however disgusting it is to me; every ADULT has the freedom to make their own decisions in this Country.

    • Kim Black

      You can get a tattoo underage with adult permission, so this comment isn’t valid. Plus, gender modification surgeries aren’t done on minors either.

      • Wolfman

        Tattoos aren’t permanent, in spite of popular belief. They can be removed. Sex change surgery cannot be reversed if the child decides later that they’ve made a mistake.

        • Djea3

          A tattoo by definition is PERMANENT. While the ink Might be able to be laser burned off, there is PERMANENT skin damage and a local scar that will always show. I am unsure of your definition of permanent. It is like having herpes. you may get rid of the cold sores but never the virus, tattoos are exactly like that except, more like IF the cold sore left a permanent pock mark for all to see.

      • Djea3

        YEs, sex change surgery and chemical surgery is rampant on minors. Chemical castration is actually used early on in some cases.

    • Wolfman

      Once a sex change operation has occurred, it cannot be reversed. I don’t know why this is, but that’s the fact. That’s possibly why so many “trans” people commit suicide.

  2. ThisGuyisTom

    I feel that a large portion of our current society in this era is mentally sick. There is an inability to think reasonably and logically for a large portion of the population who strain to associate weird ‘ideals’ into what reality actually is.

    There must be an agenda which loudly promotes this weird change in idealogies.
    It reminds me of the historical Eugenics agenda in the U.S. during the first half of the 1900’s. Even in the 1970’s, the U.S. government was sterilizing Native Americans.
    A free documentary by the Corbett Report details with sourced documents transcripts this Eugenics agenda. It is entitled “Why Big Oil Conquered the World”.

    • Charles Moncrief

      I think that the majority of people are unable to think reasonably and logically is because the narrative promoters are screaming the loudest. The loud screams drown out the voices that would protect the innocent. The same way Barabbas was released and Jesus was condemned: Barabbas’ followers had the strongest voices. We need to make our voices heard as we speak truth to power. Are the parents at the school board and city council meetings, or at the Austin legislative sessions? And not just the parents. The rest of us have an obligation to protect the children.

    • R Reason

      Ironically,  conspiracy theories are also “reasonable and logical”; and suggested by those who are not always driven by knowledge and intelligence; but by “weird” (delusional) “ideals” (beliefs); such as alternative-facts and moral intolerance to conclude that “something must be wrong” (with everyone else, except me), might also be considered a “mental sickness”.  Think, Trump 2020 election-fraud-denial-indictment, tbd…

  3. Kim Black

    As a Texan mom of a transgender child who is now an adult, I can honestly say that none of the surgeries listed above are happening on children. Period. End of story. The public is being lied to about gender-affirming care of children to scare them into passing hateful legislation aimed at tearing families apart and placing children with loving parents into an already overcrowded and abusive foster care system.

    The first step for any child questioning their gender identity is a social transition…basically, letting a child choose clothes and maybe a hairstyle of their choosing. Medication intervention only comes after years of social transitioning, at least a year of therapy, and a diagnosis of gender dysphoria by a mental health professional.

    The families of children with gender dysphoria are literally just trying to save their children’s lives. In our family’s case, our son was depressed, anxious, and engaging in self-harm actions. Now, he’s a fully transitioned medically and legally 20 year old male with a loving partner, lots of friends, and a scholarship to a college in New York City.

    I’ll never ever forget when he told me that he believed he was a boy inside when he was 14 years old. Just like I’ll never forget when he was 10 years old, and he told me that he liked it when people mistook him for a boy. I’ll never forget the fear I felt for him. It’s a fear that I still feel because of the lack of compassion and hatred based in fear toward these children and their families by people who literally haven’t lived this and don’t understand it. Trans people have always existed throughout time and across all cultures. Being transgender isn’t something new or trendy. It’s just more acceptable now among the younger generation to express your feelings about your gender identity. Some day our society will move forward to acceptance of trans people just like we have moved forward on acceptance of others on the lgbtqia spectrum.

    • Janet

      Thanks for your comments. I have always wondered about the assertion that surgeries were being done on “kids”, or that “kids” are being “groomed” to be transgendered. Your struggle and circumstance I am sure is one many parents hope to not have to endure. God Bless.

  4. Charles Moncrief

    My understanding is that the surgical alterations are already disallowed by legislation in Texas. But the governor was not willing to address chemical castration, so I believe this is still legal. Not moral, but legal.

    • Kim Black

      No one is chemically castrating children.

  5. Karen

    When we allow society to dictate what is right and not the creator, this is what we get. Sin has always existed since the beginning of time. The secular life offers no hope. Walking with the creator is pretty amazing. You know exactly who you are. And there is hope.

    • Bill Fox

      Oppressive religious zealots offer no hope. I’m happy for you that you believe there is some dude flying around up on the clouds, but not everyone feels the same. You can be a decent human without the fear of eternal damnation.

      • Karen

        You are talking in the physical realm. I’m talking about the afterlife in the spiritual. Major difference. If you’ve never experienced supernatural events, then it makes sense that you wouldn’t understand. The creator isn’t a man. That’s your disconnect. Think bigger.

  6. Bill Fox

    Seems unnecessary since minors aren’t having any type of surgical intervention. Wait, it’s the current white trash section of the GOP getting outraged over something that doesn’t exist.

  7. Wolfman

    Point of fact, children don’ know what they want from one minute to the next. They aren’t self aware enough to think about the future. They focus o the here and now. We, as parents, are the ones who give the instruction, first and foremost. They are OUR children, not the governments and most certainly not the schools. WE make the life decisions for our children until they are mature enough to make them themselves.

  8. Dr. Del Johnston

    You are either a male of female. If one does not know then they are SICK

  9. Anna S

    I totally agree with this poll. It is the height of abuse!!!! So many transgenders regret having done these sex changes and some of them have even committed suicide. Many are suffering from depression!! Children simply do not have the maturity or know enough about life to make this life altering decision period!! Shame on parents who support this!! God decided their sex in the womb. It is NOT for man to alter what God has done!

  10. Bob

    We have a long way to go to educate some fools. You would think the poll would show 90+% against transgender mutilations of minors.

  11. Steve

    Satan is on a roll


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