A Texas family is attempting to raise $15,000 to move out of the Lone Star State over concerns that it is becoming “more hostile” toward the LGBTQ community.

Kara Duncan, who identifies as a “pan woman,” said she wants to move her family of two kids and her “trans boyfriend” out of the state.

“Texas has been our home our whole lives, but the past few years especially it has become more hostile to people in the LGBTQIA+ community,” Duncan claimed on her GoFundMe page, which has a goal of $15,000. “As a pan woman I am living with the fear everyday that by being out and being myself something will happen to our family if we don’t leave the state for a more favorable one soon.”

Duncan mentioned a state law banning sex alteration procedures and transgender hormone usage for minors, noting that she was concerned state lawmakers might pass a law banning adults from securing such medical treatments.

“Right now my family needs a miracle if we’re going to make it to safety,” she wrote.

Duncan claimed her family could not afford to move but that they needed to try to leave before the onset of winter.

“While we hate to leave our family and friends behind we realize for our safety and the safety of our family that we need to act fast before it’s too late,” Duncan wrote. “I wish I could say we had savings enough for moving as far as we are planning to, but living paycheck to paycheck just hasn’t allowed us the opportunity to. My boyfriend works hard at the job he has had for the last six years and I have not given up job hunting to get money for moving as well, but if we don’t move soon it will be winter and it will be too cold and possibly bad weather to move.”

As of October 2, Duncan’s GoFundMe received nine donations totaling $190.