A popular supermarket chain in Texas has issued a voluntary recall on ice cream after the dessert had an unlisted allergen on the label.

H-E-B has issued a total recall for the half-gallon size of the Creamy Creations Light Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. Though the product contained wheat, the label did not list it as an allergen.

The store said in a press release, “H-E-B Creamy Creations Light Cookies & Cream Ice Cream was identified in some cartons labeled as H-E-B Creamy Creations Light Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. H-E-B Creamy Creations Light Cookies & Cream Ice Cream contains wheat as an ingredient.”


There have not been reports of illness from the recalled product. Persons with allergies to wheat or gluten intolerance could have severe reactions.

The store is offering a full refund if customers wish to return the product to locations and has removed it from shelves. The Creamy Creations Light Mint Chocolate Chip is no longer available on the chain’s website.

H-E-B, a San Antonio base grocery chain, recently expanded its sphere of operations into North Texas. It has stores in both Texas and Mexico. In addition to being sold in most H-E-B and H-E-B Plus stores, the mislabeled product was also sold in Mi Tienda stores in Texas.

The chain has issued previous recalls for its Creamy Creations brand. In 2019, H-E-B recalled its strawberry ice cream from some locations after finding traces of metal in a routine check. In 2018, they removed a vanilla ice cream after failing to declare the presence of a nut allergen on products sent to 5 locations. In addition, H-E-B had to recall several ice creams and sherbets for the presence of broken metal in factory machinery found during routine maintenance.

The product has UPC Number 4122048399 and a “best by” date of 06 Jan 23. Customers with questions can call H-E-B Customer Relations at 1-855-432-4438 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.