After the sudden resignation of the former Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Chairman Peter Lake, Governor Greg Abbott named Kathleen Jackson as interim chair last week.

A news release from the governor’s office on June 7 cited Jackson as “appointed on an interim basis to serve as chairman until such time as a permanent chairman is announced.”

Since becoming PUCT commissioner in 2022, Jackson has helped implement a series of legislative reforms targeting the agency, which oversees electric, water, and sewer utilities.

Most measures have aimed at ensuring the reliability of the power grid, which failed during Winter Storm Uri in 2021 and caused the deaths of hundreds in Texas, as The Dallas Express reported.

Jackson’s longest appointment was to the Texas Water Development Board from 2014 to 2022, according to the governor’s news release.

But she also served in the Environmental Flows Advisory Group, the Junior Achievement of the Golden Triangle, the Lower Neches Valley Authority Board of Directors, and the Texas Water Conservation Association.

She holds a degree in chemical engineering and is a member of the Texas Farm Bureau. Jackson is also a board member of the Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation and a sustaining member of the Junior League of Beaumont, where she resides.

Jackson will act as chairman until the governor appoints a permanent replacement for Lake.

As The Dallas Express reported, Lake tendered his resignation at the beginning of June but gave no explanation for stepping down.

Some industry experts have speculated that the reason might lie in Lake’s proposals being rejected by lawmakers’ latest legislative reform targeting the power grid in April.

Nonetheless, Lake will continue to serve as a commissioner until July 1.

As for Jackson, she released a statement responding to the appointment and took over as interim chairman immediately.

“I’m honored and humbled by Governor Abbott’s trust and confidence in me to lead the Public Utility Commission at this very important time for the agency and for Texas,” Jackson said in the statement. “I look forward to working closely with my fellow Commissioners to ensure Texas consumers have reliable and affordable power in our fast-growing state.”