Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave a speech in Dallas on Friday highlighting the state’s record and urging the U.S. to follow Texas’ lead in matters of public policy.

Abbott’s keynote address on August 18 for the National Young Republican Convention, attended by The Dallas Express, highlighted the difference between the practices and policies of Texas compared to those of other states, such as California. He also emphasized that the Lone Star State would work to counter the policies of the Biden administration.

“As we gather here today, the United States of America is at a crossroads. We’re seeing a divide maybe far more stark than we’ve ever seen about the way that different states operate,” he told the crowd, many of whom were from out of state.

“Policies have consequences,” the governor said.

“Will the country embrace the liberal ideology that’s touted by states like California, an ideology that focuses on radical ideas like defunding the police, allowing criminals to run roughshod over entire cities, burying businesses with red tape and higher taxes, and going so far as to censoring conservative speech?” Abbott asked.

“Or alternatively, with your help, is the United States going to go down the pathway of embracing the conservative ideals of the Republican Party?” the governor continued. “In Texas, for example, we don’t defund the police … and we are defending the border that Joe Biden has abandoned.”

Listing several legislative victories recently achieved, Abbott suggested that deciding between the two options is easy.

“The choice is clear. Americans are voting with their feet, they are fleeing the dumpster fires of socialism, and they are flocking to bastions of freedom and free enterprise like what we have here in the great state of Texas,” he said.

As reported by The Dallas Express, the entire South, and Texas especially, has seen a massive population boom from internal migration as people seek cheaper homes, lower taxes, and available jobs.

Not only are people coming to Texas in massive numbers, businesses are relocating too. Texas is currently home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state, leading Abbott to call the state the “headquarters of headquarters.”

Turning to the ongoing border crisis, Abbott claimed, “If the Biden administration had its way, all cities in America would be sanctuary cities, but Texas is fighting back.”

“We are fighting for America every single day,” he added. “Know this: no state has done more to secure the border than the Lone Star State.”

“When you think of all that Texas is doing on the border, you would think that Joe Biden would’ve sent me a thank you note and one of those big oversized checks reimbursing the state of Texas for what we are doing to do his job,” Abbott quipped. “But instead of doing that, Joe Biden sent me a lawsuit.”

In the words of U.S. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, the Department of Justice “allege[s] that Texas has flouted federal law by installing a barrier in the Rio Grande without obtaining the required federal authorization,” as reported by The Dallas Express.

Abbott has made clear his intent to take the dispute to the nation’s highest court.

“I got news for Joe Biden, we are not removing the buoys or barriers,” the governor declared. “Mr. President, we will see you at the United States Supreme Court.”

“The Constitution gives states the authority to secure our border when the federal government refuses to do so, and I will do whatever it takes to defend our state from the cartels that are invading our state and our country,” Abbott promised.

“As long as I’m governor of this great state, I will fight to ensure that Texas remains the model of freedom and opportunity,” he concluded.