Texas Gov. Greg Abbott discussed the New York City lawsuit filed against Texas busing companies and said that Mayor Eric Adams should instead file a lawsuit against President Joe Biden.

These comments revolve around a recent lawsuit announced by Adams in which the city is suing 17 Texas busing companies due to the transportation of unlawful migrants to the self-described sanctuary city, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

A news release from Adams about the lawsuit claims that Abbott admitted to transporting the unlawful migrants “without having the companies transporting those migrants pay for the cost of continued care in violation of New York’s Social Services Law.”

The lawsuit also names multiple North Texas listed as defendants, including two companies with offices in Dallas.

Abbott made an appearance on Fox News Sunday and discussed the lawsuit with host Shannon Bream, claiming that he is not worried for the companies since the lawsuit is just “a political statement.”

“The mayor sued the wrong party. If the mayor is really trying to cut down on the number of illegal immigrants coming into New York, he needs to be suing Joe Biden, not these bus companies,” continued the governor.

“Because it is Joe Biden and Joe Biden’s policies that’s causing the massive, multimillion influx into the United States that leads to many of them wanting to go to New York.”

These comments are similar to those Abbott gave shortly after the filing, when he claimed the lawsuit was “baseless and deserves to be sanctioned.”

“Every migrant bused or flown to New York City did so voluntarily, after having been authorized by the Biden Administration to remain in the United States,” stated Abbott in a news release sent to The Dallas Express.

“As such, they have constitutional authority to travel across the country that Mayor Adams is interfering with. If the Mayor persists in this lawsuit, he may be held legally accountable for his violations.”

The busing program, part of Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, first began transporting unlawful migrants to New York City in August 2022 and has relocated more than 33,600 people there, according to a release from Abbott’s office.

The unlawful migrants were bused to New York and other states in response to a growing crisis at the southern border that has resulted in U.S. Customs and Border Protection reporting record-high numbers of encounters.

CBP reported more than 300,000 encounters during December, breaking the previous monthly record set in September of 269,735 encounters.