Former Republican Rep. Mayra Flores has managed to raise more than double the amount of her opponent, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX), this year in a tight congressional race.

Flores raised $1.1 million from January through March, while Gonzalez received just over $449,000, according to Federal Election Commission data. However, Gonzalez has more than twice the amount of cash on hand at $1.4 million. Flores had to spend on her successful primary election early this year.

“Mayra Flores has been crushing Vicente Gonzalez since the day she entered the race, demonstrating the enthusiasm for her campaign,” Delanie Bomar, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), said.

NRCC listed Gonzalez’s 34th congressional district as its only target election in Texas this year. The group recruited Flores, who won a 2022 special election to Congress and then lost to Gonzalez months later in a redrawn district. Its polling from last year showed a tight race between the two candidates.

Gonzalez’s re-election committee mocked Flores in February as they sent mailers to Republican primary voters encouraging them to vote for her. The flyers described Flores as the “weakest Republican and easiest to defeat this November,” as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

Gonzalez said last month that Latino Trump supporters are similar to “Jews for Hitler,” as previously reported by DX.

“The rhetoric you hear from the Republican Party is shameful and disgraceful for Latinos,” he said. “And you know, when you see ‘Latinos for Trump,’ to me it is like seeing ‘Jews for Hitler,’ almost, you know?”

The Texas congressman has praised President Joe Biden for his handling of the border.

“When they lifted Title 42 and implemented Title 7, which I advocated against … I’ll be the first to admit that I was wrong,” he said last year. “What the President did, what Secretary Mayorkas has done, has positively impacted our border, and that’s a fact.”