FORT WORTH — During a bill signing ceremony attended by The Dallas Express in Fort Worth, Gov. Greg Abbott highlighted several new laws passed by the Texas Legislature to crack down on dangerous street racing and takeovers.

Abbott and multiple local and state officials gathered at the Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex south of Fort Worth. Attendees included Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw, Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn, and Fort Worth Police Chief Neil Noakes.

Also in attendance were Sens. Bob Hall (R-Edgewood) and Phil King (R-Weatherford), along with Reps. Nate Schatzline (R-Fort Worth), Frederick Frazier (R-McKinney), Charlie Geren (R-Fort Worth), and Mihaela Plesa (D-Dallas).

The two bills ceremonially signed were House Bill 1442 and HB 2899, both designed to help police stop street racing and takeovers.

“All of us prioritize public safety and the safety of our streets,” Abbott said. “We commit ourselves to achieving that goal and working toward that goal every day.”

Referring to the police standing behind him, the governor added, “Speaking for all Texans, I want to share my gratitude for these law enforcement officers for putting their lives on the line to ensure public safety in their community.”


“A growing problem that we have in our communities is illegal street racing and street takeovers,” Abbott suggested. “Texas law enforcement needs more tools to curb this criminal activity that threatens the safety of everyone around.”

“We’ve seen it in Austin, in Houston, in Dallas, and you’ve also seen it right here in Fort Worth,” he added.

HB 1442 “adds two new offenses to the organized criminal activity statute and they include reckless driving exhibition and racing on a highway,” he detailed. “Under these laws, law enforcement now has the authority to seize vehicles and contraband used in the commission of these crimes.”

The other law, HB 2899, means that “vehicles used by people charged with racing on a highway or reckless driving exhibition can have their vehicles impounded immediately,” Abbott continued.

“Texas is a law and order state,” he said. “As long as I am governor, we will back the blue, protect our citizens, and ensure that law enforcement has the tools they need to secure our streets.”

Fort Worth Mattie Parker then added, “It goes without saying that any city’s number one responsibility has to be public safety.”

“The reality is, unfortunately, street racing and street takeovers are not a victimless crime,” she explained. “Oftentimes, lives are lost.”

“Right here in Fort Worth, we lost a wonderful young couple who had three children,” Parker said, referring to a recent incident.

Under her administration, Fort Worth has proactively worked to prevent and crack down on street racing, as reported by The Dallas Express.

DPS Director McCraw, Tarrant County Sheriff Waybourn, and Fort Worth Police Chief Noakes also spoke, emphasizing that criminals engaged in street racing and those facilitating takeovers will face the full might of the law.

Gov. Abbott quipped in conclusion, “You do the donuts, you do the time.”