While the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns took a toll on many Americans, upending careers, lives, and relationships, entrepreneur Daniella Marie Brandon emerged from the fray with a new lease on life and a successful business.

The Plano resident, who has served in the Army and held jobs as a model, an NFL cheerleader, and a human resources manager, is now the proud owner of the Eiram Model Management, which she launched in 2020. Along the way, Brandon fought off reoccurring cancer three times.

Brandon was first diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2011 at the age of 23. The diagnosis came as a shock, but after a quick medical procedure, she was back on track with her life.

Two years later, while she was cheering for the Florida Jaguars, the cancer came back, forcing her to hang up her pom-poms to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. Brandon moved from Florida to Texas to be closer to family the following year.

In 2020, as the pandemic was sweeping the globe and governments were imposing lockdowns, Brandon was diagnosed with cancer for the third time. The news was “very devastating,” she said.

“It makes you feel like you’re defeated. Like, I’ve been through all this. I’ve done what I need to do and have been trying to stay on top of it,” Brandon told The Dallas Express.

Despite those feelings, Brandon focused on her healing journey and managed to overcome the cancer once again. She has been in remission since April of 2021.


Brandon also used her time during the lockdowns to fulfill another dream: creating her modeling agency, Eiram. Since Brandon previously modeled, she knew that models always needed support, and her goal was to be that support system.

“I took the good and bad experiences and created my agency,” Brandon said.

The agency’s moniker is a subtle nod to Brandon’s middle name, Marie.

She applied the same “can-do” attitude she used to beat cancer to grow her business, beginning with just a single model. She now represents 19.

Those interested in modeling for Eiram must fill out a submission form before potentially being invited to a casting call. Those selected during the casting call are invited to a meeting with Brandon to determine whether the agency is a good fit for the applicant. The models then receive training at an eight-week boot camp before being sent out on any jobs.

Thus far, the Eiram agency has worked with brands such as Zara and Nieman Marcus and even participated in New York Fashion Week.

“As an entrepreneur, this is hard work and dedication,” Brandon said, citing late nights and her constant work to improve the agency.

She noted that the industry has changed drastically since she modeled, pointing to more inclusivity.

“The beauty standards have definitely broadened,” Brandon said. “You can find more beauty outside of the standard model.”

As for the future, Brandon said she is not planning to kick back and take it easy any time soon.

“Overall, I just want to continue to grow, and hopefully I can open up locations in other areas,” she stated.

To learn more about the Eiram Model Management, visit the website.

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