Damien LeVeck
With, Peter Finch plays this, you know, this TV network anchor. And he has a very famous line. He says, first, you've gotta get mad. You have to and then then later on says, I'm mad as hell. I'm not gonna take anymore. But I really think that until you're paying attention to what's happening, get upset about what's happening, you're not gonna have the fire in your belly to try and fix what's happening. So what everyone needs to do is educate themselves, which I'm trying to help with. And then figure out what you can do to fix it. And my number one thing that I would tell people to do is you have to flip the city council. All those boards of commissions, the CPC that I told you so problematic, that is all because of who sits on the city council. So until that city council gets a group of people who can align, they don't have to agree on everything, but align on the issues that are most important to, the Dallas residents, public safety, homelessness, potholes and infrastructure, and property taxes, you're not going to see anything change. It's always gonna be divisive. So my call to action is start paying attention. Follow me on X. I'll do the best I can. But, take just take 30 seconds out of your day just to scan through the newspaper and see, like, what's what's being talked about.