Why I am voting for Lauren Davis? And why you should consider her too?
By Emanuel Lewis Former Dallas Sheriff Jail worker who spoke up on the deadly conditions, testified in federal court, and filed a lawsuit a year before workers and the incarcerated started dying from the Dallas County Jail.
I reached out to Lauren Davis after learning she was running for office. She took many by surprise by winning her primary. She met me at a coffee shop with her husband Ben Davis. I was able to share with her my experience at working for the county during one of the worst pandemics in Dallas County history.
She listened and she shared her about her life. She has overcome many obstacles starting at a young age. She has a family member affected by the criminal justice system. She does a lot to help folks get second chances and she helps the homeless. Her and her husband started a business when they were young. This business was thriving until the shutdown when some businesses were deemed essential and others not.
She fought for her business and most importantly the workers at her business. When Dallas County shut down and folks were not able to earn a living there was no plan for these folks and their livelihoods. This did not make sense and it did not make sense that while working at the jail with up to 64 inmates in the Pod it was impossible to social distance. There were no masks and there were no sanitizer. So we have the county government telling individuals to do one thing but on the other hand they were not keeping workers and incarcerated safe in the facilities they had jurisdiction over.
Lauren is not a politician this is her first time running. She does not aspire to go to another office after this. She really does not need the headache of running and being away from her family. Her family was treated inhumanely by the Dallas ISD during the pandemic. Her kids one that has had several heart surgeries and a mask could cause them harm was not able to wear one. The kids were separated from other students and ostracized. Her family was admonished and attacked. This prompted Lauren Davis to run. She has outraised her opponent.
Lauren Davis when it was not popular to do fought for her family, her business, her workers, her community, and she will fight for you.
Please vote Lauren Davis as your next county judge.