Japan is the first country in the world to approve a Self-Amplifying messenger RNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 Vaccine.  It is called Kostaive or ARCT-154.  It is due to be rolled out next month in October 2024.

There are basically two types of categories for mRNA vaccines: (1) non-replicating and (2) self-amplifying (saRNA), but also called self-replicating or replicon mRNA vaccines (repRNA).

In layman terms, the sa-mRNA COVID vaccine will prompt a human cell to manufacture more vaccine.  Thousands of people have participated in the study.  Thus, according to Japan’s Press Release:  “The technology has the potential to create more potent cellular immune responses and increase duration of protection, while using considerably lower doses of mRNA.”

Japan’s ARCT-154 sa-mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine “uses mRNA that codes for replicase proteins lifted from the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.”   An Alphavirus is a family of viruses that can infect humans and animals.  Some types are transmitted by mosquitoes.  Remember that in August 2024, parts of New England were on high alert from the mosquito-borne virus known as eastern equine encephalitis.


The Japanese rollout is not without loudly expressed controversy by many thousands around the globe.  “Silence is complicity” beats the drum.   A uniting theme across the world is that governments, institutions, corporations and legacy media cannot be trusted.

As previously seen via The Dallas Express, Senator Rand Paul, MD has grave concerns for airborne and replicating vaccines.  He had exposed documents which showed that at least 15 U.S. government agencies knew prior to the 2020 pandemic about proposed lab-made designs of the exact SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus which shut down the world.  Yet, no one said anything throughout the pandemic.

Former Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi in talking about the original Covid-19 vaccine announced to a large crowd of attendees “You were right.  Vaccines are killing millions of our loved ones.”  Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research shows GRAPHS depicting excess deaths and excess health issues from the Covid-19 vaccine.   After reviewing over 3,000 papers about the side effects from Covid-19 vaccines, more than 200 types of unwarranted diseases were found by researchers in Japan.

Most Americans are completely in the dark about how their freedoms were almost lost to the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 1, 2024.  Legacy media has not covered the issue.  For several years, the WHO had the publicly stated agenda of designating itself as the sole world authority to declare and enforce pandemics and health protocol.  All member countries were to sign the agreement which relinquished their sovereignty with penalties for non-compliance.  WHO also had plans to instigate a digital ID profile and tracking system for every person in all member countries.   Citizens of many countries around the world rose up to protest this tyrannical outrage.  Fortunately, the alternative media reported on this issue.  Thousands in Japan hit the streets, and at WHO headquarters in Switzerland people came from all over.

Famous for the thoroughness of his documented sources, James Corbett of the Corbett Report writes, “At the end of this month—just weeks before the sa-mRNA vaccine is expected to be jabbed into Japanese citizens’ arms—the sixth edition of the International Covid Summit will be held in Tokyo. The summit will bring together doctors and health professionals from around the world to discuss the ongoing threat of the WHO/Big Pharma biosecurity agenda and the sa-mRNA vaccinations. It will include a media conference, a public conference, and a press conference at the Japanese parliament before culminating in yet another massive demonstration in central Tokyo.”

Award winning researcher James Corbett lives in Japan where he raised his family.   Corbett will be in Tokyo from September 25th to September 28th to report on the events.

In conclusion, I will leave this June 2020 two and a half minute VIDEO by James Corbett and video editor Broc West entitled:  “How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation.”