So let’s talk about the elephant in the room, especially now that these two articles are out there.

There is also this.

Prior to this, many people have been talking about a particular county in North Dallas. I am also certain that attorneys have far better things to do than to take on a major case like this, especially if they were to think that there is no justification behind these allegations. Also, not forgetting how many individuals are named concerning this very serious matter.

Now, in no way, shape, or form should sexual harassment, especially sexual assault, ever be a part of someone’s work environment. After the Me Too Movement being so prevalent, why would anyone ever consider creating such a toxic situation like this?

“In 2017, the #metoo hashtag went viral and woke up the world to the magnitude of the problem of sexual violence. What had begun as local grassroots work had now become a global movement — seemingly overnight. The movement was founded by activist Tarana Burke, who coined the term “MeToo” in 2006, but it gained widespread attention in 2017 when actress Alyssa Milano urged victims of sexual harassment and assault to share their stories on social media.”

If you have ever had the displeasure, or know someone else who has had to deal with being anywhere near someone who is like this, it is not just a joke or joking around, or the good old boys’ mentality. You understand how they feel. Now imagine if this is happening day after day and that this is coming from your boss, or your boss’s boss, and even further up the chain of command, so who is going to help you?

Imagine asking for help from people who are higher than them, but you still get nothing, months of waiting, they can’t be bothered with this, and then when they finally respond they say, “We receive several thousand reports of civil rights violations each year. We, unfortunately, do not have the resources to take direct action for every report.” How can you not think that this in itself is a serious problem? Can you imagine someone saying this, let alone the Department of Justice, the Civil Rights Division?

Also, why when you ask for help does the DOJ tell you to contact the FBI? Yes, certainly do this too, but the probability of hearing from them is even less than getting a response like this from the DOJ. If the DOJ is receiving “several thousand,” and I would suspect that there are more, then now is the time to address this issue. Hire more help, certainly more investigators. If there is someone, it is definitely the DOJ that should take every single complaint seriously, especially if these complaints involve sexual harassment, assault, domestic violence, or abuse of any kind. We must stop the enablers of abuse.

If you have ever read any of my previous articles, I like to remind people who think that domestic violence is only physical, or sexual abuse that it is not. Domestic violence is verbal, mental/emotional abuse, coercive control, gaslighting, and it is also a financial abuse. When we talk about mental health awareness, we must always include domestic violence victims, because once you have lived through this you do not forget about it. It creates post-traumatic stress disorder, and in most cases, victims of abuse have CPTSD, Complex PTSD.

Not to lose sight of this topic, because this particular county has had major problems for years, and the environment that has been created by whoever is not an excuse. You can take what you want from these articles, but we still have higher powers in the State of Texas that should address this immediately. In fact, I know of several people who have repeatedly tried to warn the Attorney General about this particular county, and just when they thought something was going to happen, it doesn’t. If he had, we might not be here right now. It’s not just the AG either because the Texas Senators have been told as well. Just where were they when people needed their help?

Collin County is one of the fastest-growing cities in the North Dallas area, and if I were to move to Texas after reading these two articles, I might reconsider my move. While people with particular titles are mentioned, there are more people who are aware of what is going on. I suspect this too will come to light eventually and hopefully, this will prompt even more individuals to come forward. Perhaps the State of Texas needs a rule that says if you work for the people of this state, and you are suspected of something this serious, then your position is suspended until you are cleared of all wrongdoing. I wonder how that would go over, and would we actually have enough individuals to run a particular county if this happened?

Regardless of whether you are a resident of this county, do you know what is happening in your county? Do you have similar problems? If you were one of these individuals, would you sit still and do nothing, say nothing, or would you try to help yourself and others as well? I hope that you would also ask our Texas Senators for help.

Nowadays we have a lot going on, but this should only want to make us more vigilant. We want to believe that people are inherently good, but what we find is this. It is true when they say, “You are the company you keep.” It is also true when they say, “See something, say something.” People who need your help are counting on you to do just this.

Lilli is a Mom, Writer, Photographer, and an Advocate for victims of domestic abuse, and animal rights.