The “Fluoride on Trial” documentary about the considerable scientific evidence of learning disabilities in children caused by fluoride exposure when mothers drink optimally fluoridated water while pregnant is part NCIS drama, part spy novel, and part “Erin Brockovich.”

The lawsuit filed by the Food & Water Watch et al. in 2017 against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) based on regulations that require the EPA to eliminate or control “unreasonable risk” to susceptible populations was heard February-March 2024 in federal court. It featured a half dozen medical scientists with impeccable qualifications who testified to the scientific fact of fluoride-induced harm to baby brains resulting in lowered IQ. The two defense witnesses wit divided loyalty and convoluted logic both were caught out in lies by plaintiff attorney.

However, as jaw-dropping as the science and testimony were, the behind the scenes political machinations of government and corporate stakeholders who profit from fluoridation schemes were even more of a thunderbolt. Those recent political efforts were omitted from the trial, but are mentioned in this documentary. “Fluoride on Trial” also references an early gaslight and scientific fraud that involves Bartlett, Texas – and includes documentation. You won’t want to miss it.


Since the trial ended, even more damming science has been published, including a Los Angeles, CA study of pregnant women and their children. That study found that 3-year-olds exposed to doses of fluoride before birth which are the equivalent of “optimal” doses recommended by dentists are about twice as likely to have behaviors consistent with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder as well as be highly anxious and have sleep disorders. The American Dental Association (ADA) dismissed this study saying that since most of the participants were Hispanic, it was not representative of the United State as a whole and consequently the ADA continues to endorse fluoridation.  Is it any wonder that the Texas chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has been on record against fluoridation since 2011?

Every day, more and more dentists are backing away from supporting fluoridation policy, although most still engage in the highly profitable fluoride treatments. Many are still ignorant of the scientific facts and prefer the tooth-fairy mythology regarding fluoridation. Ignorance is not bliss, not for families suffering from fluoride-induced harm.

Attend the Sunday June 23rd PM showing of “Fluoride On Trial” at  Angelika Film Center in Dallas, and have the opportunity to ask questions of the lead plaintiff attorney, Michael Connett, partner at Siri & Glimstad LLP. We are still waiting for the judge’s verdict, which is constrained by the legal parameters of the law. But make no mistake: Fluoridation’s days are numbered. Low-dose fluoride exposure from womb to tomb poison brains, bodies and bones.

Perhaps Erin Brockovich said it best: “Don’t mess around with fluoride. It’s dangerous. Turn it off and never turn it on again. It’s not the job of the City to dose any substance in the community drinking water system for the sole purpose of achieving a medical result. If you continue, you’re morally corrupt!”