Hispanics and Latinos should unite as conservatives to help save America

The fastest-growing ethnic group in America today is the Hispanic community. Today in Texas there are more Hispanics than African-Americans, Anglos, or any other identifiable group.

In response to their increasing numbers and therefore electoral importance, all political ideologies and parties are probing to find the best ways to have the Hispanic voters support their candidates. Groups from both the left and right have formed outreach groups.

TEXAS LATINO CONSERVATIVES is one of those groups. TLC was founded in 2016 specifically to share the message of inclusion and family values with Hispanic voters and state leaders.

TLC wants its message to be at the forefront of the minds of voters when it’s time to vote. Its message should resonate in the politics of the elected leaders. The message begins with the nucleus of the family. A father and mother in the home raising their children — whether biological, adopted or foster — as the ideal. In this preferred family the values of love of family, love of country and love of God are imparted to the next generation, which will become the future leaders, mothers and fathers. Included are the principles of hard work, self-reliance, the importance of education, and the obligation to pass these teachings on to the next generation.


It is difficult for today’s conservatives to identify with people who vote for elected officials who want to close the companies that employ the breadwinners of the family. As an example, placing roadblocks and restrictions on oil and gas exploration when so many Hispanics work in those industries. When regulations make building a new home more expensive and difficult, many jobs are lost as the number of new houses built is greatly reduced. By mandating that trucks become electric, how many truck driving jobs will be lost? Is this really the job of government?

Sadly, many of the countries in Latin America are moving toward authoritarian, socialist governments, which come to control all aspects of daily life. We do not need to ask why five million people have crossed the southern U.S. border in the past two years to flee their homes. We know the reason.

How can the Hispanics vote for officials who want to teach the history of this great country to their children as largely a force for evil instead of teaching them reading, writing, and arithmetic, and an honest history of the greatness of America? The advocates for this indoctrination are elected to too many school boards, city councils, and even Congress and the White House. They severely damage the future for the students by redirecting their values away from the ideals that motivated their grandparents and into a future of less freedom and more subservience to government.

It is clear that the Hispanic community belong involved with the conservative movement, mostly represented by the Republican Party. How can the community become more aware of their true ideological home?

One answer is to recruit more Hispanics into visible positions of leadership within the party. That means reaching out to citizens who will become candidates for school board, city council, Congress and any other elected position. These citizens must become aware of the opportunities for public service available to them and be committed with the time and personal resources to serve the community.

As the number of Hispanics in leadership positions grows, other Hispanic community members will see them and investigate their positions on the many issues that impact lives in the Hispanic community and society at large. This would result in many more grassroots Hispanics getting involved in civic activities and electoral politics, helping to change the voting demographics in their state and the country overall, and promoting the values that guide the community’s lives and the environment to raise their families.

Diversity can be achieved with outreach and recruiting individuals to the various position available without using affirmative action. The left has used affirmative action, which often ends up with unqualified people holding positions of leadership when qualified people who want the opportunity to serve are denied that opportunity.

The Hispanic citizens must become full participants in government. In Houston, for example, Hispanics are not fully represented in elected positions. Despite the city being majority Hispanic, of the 16 council members only one is Hispanic. LULAC has filed a lawsuit to force more Hispanics to be put into leadership positions. This is not the way to go. Individuals must step up and put themselves forward to help direct their government and the society they live in for the sake of the future of their children.

Filing lawsuits does not turn out voters. Money and effort are better spent on stronger education, voter registration, and ensuring turnout. This is what TLC is doing to achieve the end that LULAC claims to seek, but not with the force of government mandates and threats. LULAC may want a higher percentage of Hispanics, but they do not want Hispanics with traditional values. For them, diversity is about ethnicity and skin color, for us it is about thoughts and values.

We urge everyone to consider joining the leadership movement if they are in a position to step forward. We are here to help them with training and setting up campaigns. Contact Texas Latino Conservatives for an experienced campaign organization and perhaps you can become the next elected leader on your school board or in some other position in your community.