Here is my speech from commissioner’s court that Clay Jenkins couldn’t be bothered to look up from his phone. This is what I want others to know and hear!
I sat in the commissioners court meeting last month and listened to vaccine and mask propaganda.
Dr. Huang and Mr. Jenkins, will be held accountable for the lies that you have been telling the Dallas County people.
So, let’s put this misinformation on record.
I heard Commissioner Price ask Dr. Huang if the majority of the people being hospitalized for COVID were unvaccinated. He answered yes.
The answer is in fact, no, the unvaccinated do not make up the majority of those being hospitalized for Covid. The CDC intentionally asked the hospitals to stop recording if someone was fully vaccinated and being hospitalized for COVID. At the same time, they counted the unvaxxed, partially vaxxed, and recently vaxxed as unvaccinated.
However we do have data from other countries who are accurately tracking this information.
Canada’s published numbers show that 90% of CV deaths are in people who have had 1 dose or more.
We do have some state specific data as well from a study I found yesterday:
Vaccinated Californians and New Yorkers were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had prior immunity and were unvaccinated.
Vaccinated Californians had a higher rate of hospitalizations than those who were unvaccinated but had prior immunity.
We have to start asking the hard questions. We can no longer take Dr Huang at his word.
He needs to stop pulling COVID data out of his hat like he does in his magician business.
Israel has one of the highest vaccinated rates in their country. They also have one the highest number of Covid cases and deaths right now.
Since the vaccine program started there has been an 84% increase in deaths, ages 25-44 year olds. This is a population that had a death rate COVID below 99.9%.
The EXCESS death rate since the vaccine program started in ages 18-64 is up about 40%– as confirmed by the life insurance industry. There were no excess deaths in 2020 prior to this vaccine being launched. The only difference between 2020 and 2021 is the COVID 19 vaxx. This death rate is higher than any war or natural disaster. The CDC admitted that they purposely inflated the COVID deaths so that people would not be deterred from taking this injection they are calling a vaccine.
Now let’s talk about the children…
Major new study shows 63% of children have serious heart problems post vaccination.
When FOIA’d, the CDC could not Provide a Single instance of a Confirmed COVID-19 Death in a Child Younger Than 16 years old.
I also heard Dr Huang say in the last commissioners court meeting that there is no downside to wearing a mask. You are either a liar or have done zero actual research on the subject. So I will make it really easy for him and others… here is a landing page of many peer reviewed studies showing that masks not only do not work, but they cause harm both physically and mentally.
It is time for leadership in this county that is transparent and honest. It is time for Jenkins and Huang to go.