
Opinion: Are We Losing Our Country?

American flag | Image by Africa Studio

I never thought I’d have to face the prospect of witnessing the decline and fall of the United States, the greatest country in the history of the world. I’ve always felt grateful for having been born in this marvelous nation. Yet, today, as I woke up and was having my morning coffee, I began to realize that things are changing quickly, and the changes are corroding us from the inside. Regardless of how I vote, or whether I vote, it seems as if it doesn’t matter because something evil has invaded this great land, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I’ve been confused by the hostility coming from family and friends. I look at people I’ve known for years, who have become so hateful that they will agree with opinions they would never have expressed as their own. The indoctrination from the mainstream media has done a thorough job of implanting a sinister poison into the consciousness of a growing segment of the population that once would have immediately rejected the absurdity coming from the left and deemed it to be ludicrous on its face. Instead, it’s like our planet has tilted on its axis and scrambled the innate common sense that once allowed us to think clearly.

We’ve become a nation that has lost its collective mind. We’re urged to abandon reason and reject cultural norms, choosing instead, an accommodation to an assortment of freakish behaviors, which, during a saner time in our history would have required psychological counseling, rather than fawning acquiescence. The more we cater to the idiosyncrasies of that tiny fraction of society, the more likely it is that it will get progressively more repugnant. You can’t justify this insanity. If a guy pretends to be a woman, you’re required to pretend with him. If you say it’s impossible for a man to get pregnant and have children, you’re attacked as a “transphobe.” A woman running for the Supreme Court can’t define what a woman is. If a man walks into a room wearing a dress, high heels, and pantyhose, while sporting a beard and goatee, and you address him as “Sir,” you might be vilified for “misgendering.”

Russians influencing our elections is bad, but illegals voting in our elections is good. It was okay for Biden to blackmail the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it. Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but 18 is old enough to vote. People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves. People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out steep loans for their degrees. Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated. Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must undergo a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome. Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but 1.5 trillion for free healthcare is not. If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

People who say there’s no such thing as gender are demanding we elect a female president. We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to some of us. Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for things they’re doing now. Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of their rights. And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists. Nothing makes sense anymore. No values, no morals, and no civility. People died from a Chinese virus, but it’s racist to refer to it as Chinese, even though it began in China. We’re clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil, and evil is good; where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is okay.

Wake up America! That great unsinkable ship, Titanic America, has hit an iceberg. It’s taking on water, and it’s sinking fast.

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  1. pennstate

    people fear the violence …so when the left wing PROVED THEY WOULD GO THERE and were backed up by leftists in power>>>defund the police etc

    you knew it was going to take the same reaction to stop them

    no one did and they are now stronger for having had what it took to do those “peaceful” protests

    they know we know so its right in allll /everbodies face

    now it becomes a matter of

    what do you want to do about it

    the gop has gone so far left that pelosi is now center left

  2. Djea3

    thank you for expressing the truth.

    This country is on a rebound. The social costs are becoming apparent. send a few hundred of the millions of illegals to NYC and they say “it is not sustainable”.
    We need Change, not for the sake of Change. That is the issue. We need Change for the GOOD of those BORN HERE and NATURALIZED HERE but ONLY those who came legally to begin with. All others…no citizenship ever. No birthright citizenship for their progeny. Take away all benefit and there is no cause to come.

    We need to follow the UNLAWFULLY backed Soros elected officials. We need to find when and how they violate the law and send them to PRISON. This week we know of one DA who sent a Texas citizen to prison for defending himself from a terrorist with an AK rifle pointed at him during a RIOT and while his car was being attacked. ENOUGH.

    State of Texas, send forth the Rangers and all State investigators. Send this SOROS elected criminal DA that prosecuted an innocent man under TX law and had him found guilty by not admitting exculpatory evidences. Send this prosecutor to PRISON and then things will begin to change. SHOW HOW IT IS DONE.

    Meanwhile, do NOT JUST give this man a pardon, PROVE His INNOCENCE. A pardon for the innocent still leaves a stain of guilt under the law.

    • R Reason

      Perry went looking for trouble.

  3. Chris

    Great article 👍 Very well put.

  4. Wrath

    When there were no consequences for the assaults, and destruction caused by BLM and Antifa rioters across the country…and People like Kamala Harris provided bail for them…we lost the country.

    When we built a statue of a violent criminal George Floyd and removed statues of Christopher Columbus we lost the country.

    When a Supreme Court justice can’t define a woman, and a liberal witness in a Congressional hearing states confidently that a man can get pregnant…we lost the country.

    When six people are murdered and the media presses “ oh… this has be ELEVATED to a hate crime” ( isn’t MURDER enough?)…we have lost the country.

    Common sense, civility, humor, and integrity have been destroyed with cancel culture, wokeism, and identity politics. The rights that have been given and earned by the minority of our population have been perverted and used in a campaign against the majority. We have lost the country. A new battle had begun.

    • Lyndsay

      So true what you said and all that cancel culture, wokeism and identity politics is backed by the left. Enough said.

  5. Pap

    EXCELLENT ARTICLE! Very well worded, concise and the undeniable truth. To tell you the truth, it sounds like what Paul Harvey would have said.

  6. Lanie

    I am sick of all the labels – liberals, socialists, left wing, right wing, Republicans and Democrats. I wish we could dissolve the two parties, get rid of the names and for future elections just have a group of people running for an office and elect the one you agree with. There is no “reaching across the aisle” any more because if you go against party lines, they will persecute you. No one can voice their opinion just for the sake of saying it without someone else jumping you. This 24 hr media crap doesn’t help.

  7. Karen

    Great article! America is rotting from the inside out. It will take an act of providence to save her. There is something sinister that has permeated every institution in our country.

    • R Reason

      I’m pretty sure it’s “demons”; have you seen the new movie, Nefarious?

      • THORR

        I expect that you are a fan of “This Island Earth” (1955), and “The Creature Walks Among Us” (1956). I thought that both were pretty good.

  8. Rex Barron

    It’s hard to believe this rant was allowed on the site. It certainly doesn’t meet Dallas Express’s dialogue standard. This is an embarrassment to The Dallas Express. I feel sorry for the writer if he believes all this and fails to see what trash talk it is.

    No mention of a former president team allegedly sending 7 groups of fake “electorates” with fake “certificates” to 7 state election boards to try and divert thousands of real votes from Biden to himself.

    No mention of a former president, while he was still in office, calling election officials in several states to beg them to remove votes from his opponent and add them to his own.

    No mention of a former president reeling from the stench of multiple illicite adulterous affairs while blaming everyone one else for damages caused.

    And no mention of a former president overseeing the attempted overturn of an election at great cost to many, including threatening our democracy, killing and injuring over one hundred capital police.

    Raving insults about Nancy Pelosi, a mother of 5 and married almost 60 years to the same fine gentleman, and serving her constituants with dignity while ignoring the formally imprisoned self admitted child molester, Dennis Hastert that was the longest serving Republican’s Speaker of the House in history! Thank God Nancy Pelosi took his gavel away. Next time you hear republicans rant about fictitious “child molesters” ask them about Dennis Hastert. Ask Jim Jordon about the victims that claim he did nothing to stop years of their horror after being told about it.

    How does the writer fail to rant about a molester of students serving 8 years as the Republican Speaker of the House!?

    No mention of all the gun fueled shootings killing innocent children daily?

    I won’t go on about all the other unsubstantiated hot air. This “opinion” writer has provided his own embarrassment.

    • Janet

      Thanks for this comment. Saved me a lot of time responding to this nonsense. My initial response was to agree with him that the country has gone to hell in a hand basket, but I thought he was going to point out the obvious. Differences of opinion has always been a part of our democracy, but the mindless vitriol, in my opinion started when Trump came down his golden stairway and announced his run for the Presidency. The author was right about normally rational people having ignored the rational thoughts of their own minds. Just to gain the favor of a self centered, egotistical, snake oil salesman. Maybe they hope to get invited to Mar-A-Lago so they can shine his shoes and carry his golf bag.

    • LuLu

      You failed to mention the Clinton era!

    • Lyndsay

      How convenient you only go after one. Better open your eyes to past and present.

    • Elaine

      Forget about Trump and Republicans for a minute and look at Biden.
      How are his border policy, foreign policies, energy policies, and spending habits good for the American people.

      • Jimbo

        It’s impossible for a leftist to listen to a reasonable criticism of the current situation without using the words: “But Trump….”

        • R Reason

          …is a criminal.”

    • Tom Milbank

      If your clap trap is allowed, I guess anything goes. Reality having no bearing in your rant the Dallas Express is tolerant beyond anything ever seen at WAPO, NYT, NPR, MSNBC et al.

  9. Robert

    Hilarious. No, what’s destroying our country is Republican politicians kicking out Democratic representatives for minor procedural violations for the first time in history. What’s destroying our country is Republican politicians like Marjorie Taylor and Ann Boebert who don’t have two brain cells to rub together. What’s destroying our country is Republican politicians like Trump and Desantis who care nothing about the Constitution, the country, or the American people, but only their own power. What’s destroying our country is all the far right wing media outlets posting partisan drivel like this while claiming they are non-partisan.

    • Lyndsay

      Same to you, how convenient you only go after Repubs. How laughable! Really? Dems are the ones backing cancel culture, wokeism, identity politics, violent BLM and antifa rioters and the worst….,defunding good PD’s. Bad things are going on bc of all this crap! And how dare you say it’s bc of far right media outlets! You have about 50 more than far right. And talk about corruption…..your media outlets wouldn’t report about the Hunter laptop until after the election bc they knew it would destroy any daddy Biden chance of getting into the WH!!! And that’s a known fact bc they finally admitted it a few months ago! UNBELIEVABLE. Brainwashed and definitely indoctrinated.

      • Lyndsay

        Does anyone on here see what this clown Robert said above??? He thinks all Dems are are sweet angels!!! Pelosi….who in their right mind tears up a SOTU address on live TV??? That stunt damaged this country and caused more division than ever and that’s not counting all the other sh** she’s done. And there’s Maxine Waters who called for violence at a rally and Schumer, well, he’s the biggest liar on the planet and pushed a narrative about DJT that he knew wasn’t true!!! Uggggh! He should be in jail!!! And then this Robert dude has the gall to say all the right wing media outlets are ruining this country. Hysterically funny!!!!! They don’t call for violence like your party does. Your precious MSNBC has lied so much that even their usually loyal viewers have dropped them. Maddow was so bad she’s only on one night now. Robert, you need to watch something besides MSNBC bc they’re all insane over there!

        • Greg

          Lindsay, it is nice to see someone on here with a memory of events instead of just talking about the current events that the left want us to believe over and over again. Lie to us enough, and those with no brain of their own believe everything they say. Thank you.

    • Greg

      Robert, you are just another ignorant Leftist who uses the far left talking points. Do you even know why the folks in Tennesee were kicked out of the legislature but only for a couple of days.
      The constitution is something that Corey Booker, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi have all said is in their way. Hey dumby, Look what Trump did to the economy and minorities during his term. Look what Biden has done in just two years. Destroyed the economy, opened the borders for a free for all entry into the county, has embarrassed the US with the rest of the world leaders, let Putin invade Ukraine, and also corrupted himself with China. Get a brain next time before you make an ass out of yourself

  10. Michael

    ameriKKKa became ROTTEN when the first SLAVE stepped foot on this land,and has been ROTTEN EVER SINCE…PERIOD.

    • R Reason

      1619 – Jamestown, VA. Trump went there in 2019 to mark the 400 year anniversary of the first ship that brought the “first” slave. His speech was boycotted by most of Virginia’s Democrats and all of its black lawmakers, because he’s a racist. 

  11. Michael

    You NEVER,EVER, hear the left or the right, EVER say lets give the NATIVE people BACK their country.

    • R Reason

      1607 – Jamestown, again. When the settlers arrived, the Indian Wars started immediately. In 2019, when Elizabeth Warren entered the presidential race, Trump used a racist slur and seemingly referenced the Trail of Tears, the 19th century Native American genocide. Again, because he’s a racist.

      • Greg

        American natives are the only ethnic group in this country that is totally controlled to this day by the Federal government. The Trail of tears was a disgrace for this country. But, then again is/was Liz Warren a disgrace to this country by claiming to be a native american when she wasn’t and even use that claim to her benefit in earlier days.
        And R Reason, in 1607 those settlers were not Americans.

  12. Mary

    All I can say is Amen.

  13. Michelle Stallings

    Yes, we are losing our country and the rest of the world laughs at us for it.
    Being totally inclusive doesn’t mean we have to lose our values, but it may mean just that along with basic security.

  14. gypsy

    still no justice , our children under attack many have died, our votes do not count just fake ballots that democrats and rinos add to steal elections. give me liberty or give me death

  15. Theodore Rulfs

    Yes, the right-wing biased media is destroying America and convincing people that guns and prosperity evangelism are the answer.
    We need to wake up and elect true progressive leaders. Get the corrupt big money out of politics and support public education and women’s rights. True equality begins with strong unions and getting big business under control. you are so RIGHT!
    Just one decade of strong public education (making private schools illegal) would do so much to help us catch up with a country like Finland. If we banned all guns for private use in that same period, we could attain the freedom Europeans enjoy.
    We must root out the racist, antisemitic MAGA cult, especially in our police and military, and let democracy thrive!

    • Greg

      Hey Rulfs; Maybe you forgot that we had a war with the Europeans because we didn’t want to live under their rule. You sound like a true Socialist/Communist. Thanks for showing your tru colors.

  16. American Citizen

    Normally I would let you stew in your anger and resentment, but I’m afraid that yelling into your echo chamber isn’t doing you any favors.

    I’m sorry you are having a hard time with all this. One of the great things about our country is our democratic process, which allows popular opinion to be given a voice, and gives the majority of citizens the right to happiness. Opinions have changed frequently over the last few hundred years, and as more people are gaining equal footing in society, others are feeling their power and privilege wain. It can be difficult to go through these changes when most of your life is spent one way, but change is the only constant.

    Our beautiful country gives us the right to practice our chosen religions, many of which conflict with the King James Bible. For this reason it is important to keep religious beliefs separate from law making. Otherwise, there is no sound reason against people living as the gender in which they feel most comfortable. We have been fighting to remove gender bias from all mediums, it should hold no bearing on your life. How a person identifies gender-wise or sexually is not a threat to your life.

    Furthermore, not all people from other countries are bad. People born in America also take advantage of social systems meant to help those in need, this is not specifically an immigrant problem. If our lawmakers weren’t so divided they could come up with a better system for a pathway to citizenship, which would make it unnecessary for good people to try to get into our country illegally. None of this means it is not ok for us to try to help those who need it.

    Also, while we do not all have enough money to pay taxes to fund social programs intended to help those in need, many do. It is so important to give opportunities to people from different backgrounds, this is how innovations happen. You can’t know what you don’t know.  If you own a business and only hire your family, you may never develop a genius new process born of the brainstorms of a diverse team of people.

    In conclusion, listening to people whose opinions differ from your own can be life- changing. Using buzzwords such as “main steam media”, “left wing”, “woke-ism”, or “cancel culture” mostly just shines a light on your personal information source and paints a picture of a man who lets his own preferred news-media source feed him anger-fuel to radicalize him against change. I highly suggest switching over to less biased coverage, or even going out and meeting people from different cultures. Perhaps if you can humanize some of the people you are so against you may start to understand why they are just as deserving as you of being an American citizen with a voice.

    Have a beautiful day.

  17. nativetexan

    You certainly hit all the conservative talking points.

    So – I have owned property for 37 years and paid school taxes and I have no kids. So I am putting your kids and grand kids through school. Next is the school vouchers where my tax dollars will go to subsidize the education of someone in a private school when they can afford it and a voucher that a poor person can’t use because they can’t get matching funding or afford to go to the rich kid’s school. You are ok with that kind of socialism right? I am. I want an educated society.

    And while that society is educated, I don’t want people punished for who they are. I find it amazing that we have to pass laws about gender or whatever. When I was a kid, god forbid someone marry outside their race or religion. Now people who love and care about each other can get married. I heard it would ruin the institution of marriage. I was a wedding photographer for years. Didn’t seem to affect people getting married, and at the time the divorce rate was 50% and married people ran the gamut from great to horrible. So how could get it worse than horrible.

    All these people, mixed race couples, same sex couples, transgender, whatever, they are called snowflakes while having to have constant bile and laws passed against them? Seems to me they are the brave ones. Those in the majority can just sit back and show a lack of empathy.

    We can find anecdotal evidence to hit a lot of your points, but we can also finds tons of evidence that counters your points. And a lot of your points are not linked to any news articles, and if any article is worth anything it has to be signed, dated, and hyperlinked.

    I think if you take each of your concerns and start searching for articles that are signed, dated and hyperlinked, you’ll find the other side of it and you might even want to consider if you are getting the whole story, or just opinion.

    When you mention collapsing socialist countries, are you referring to the Scandinavian ones? The ones that President Trump lamented had people who didn’t want to come here, but instead we got people from ‘s—hole’ countries?

    Border patrol stats CBP website states almost 1.3 million legal actions were taken at the border. So…open arms? And when we are talking about the lives of kids and abortions, do the kids at the border count? Should they be pried away from their families? Shouldn’t we do something about the governments on our continent so that people don’t feel a need to take a 1000 mile journey? My ancestors came over in 1840 due the crimean war and 1890s to seek a better future. So time to slam that door shut? You are native American so can speak to the fact that people came to your country and refused to adopt your language and your values and your religion, right? Also – let’s look at that 1.3 million actions. How many died from Covid – the chinese virus as you call it? Didn’t we just make room for 1 million? How does that million stand up to the fact we have 330 million people here? Pretty small percentage. And while we are on the subject, we need secure borders. Texas has a budget surplus, so, did you contact your governor and representatives and say I don’t want a tax cut, I want to spend on border security?

    You also speak to morals. Well, whose morals? Judeo Christian morals? So that leaves out every other religion and their morals? Is it moral to turn away illegal alien children at the border because their parents can’t raise and protect them? What about all the lies with the election – is lying moral? President Trump broke at least 4 of the ten commandments and is proud of it. Is President Trump our moral compass? Conservative morals are supposed to be superior to godless liberals, so, is that the example and case?

    When and where did you hear and/or say or whatever that a man can’t get pregnant and get in trouble for it? Let’s say 100 people the media wants to push up for attention went off on that topic. Or even a 1000. You took the bait. You went ape over that ignoring the other 330M people.

    What are the chances in 330M people that we won’t have someone take an extreme viewpoint. Even worse, if there is a million to one chance someone will take a gun to shoot people, then we’ll have 330 school shootings. Are you doing and talking up what is needed to protect kids?

    I often hear about the freedom of speech – so now we are banning books in libraries if they talk about Sally Hemings and all President Jefferson’s kids by her and their descendants? Or is that CRT? Ever think that the history you read in your books make have some serious omissions? Can you name 5 jim crow laws? Are we keeping that out of the books?

    I went to school with gay people – so – should we ostracize them because you disagree with their behavior? If you dip back to leviticus to validate your moral compass, do you wear tatoos, mixed fibers, shave? I don’t think the Diety allows pick and choose. Then if you say ok, the New Testament says… I would point out John 13:34-35 – Love others as I have loved you so that others know you follow me. Well, what does that mean? Do you accept others for who they are? I am not excusing any criminal behavior or condoning it. But what about our bail system? How about we give someone free bail one time, so they don’t lose their jobs, their families and everything else for a case that might rule in their favor?

    Immigrants who are sick – if we are working from a moral center – didn’t the Savior heal the sick? How many cases are we talking about?

    Can you imagine losing everything for an accusation? You do ascribe to do process of law right? How is it different to be charged with say 34 counts and go back to your hotel versus being charged with one count and losing everything? Is the system fair? Are we trying to make the lives of fellow Americans better or worse?

    You mention that 18 is old enough to vote but 20 is too young to drink. I was around when the drinking age was 18 and there was a big uptick in deaths, so….are you lobbying to move the drinking age down again? I had buddies who got drunk after school. Good idea?

    As for Ukraine – how did President Biden blackmail the President of Ukraine, or do you mean that when President Biden was involved with Ukraine there were conditions to receive foreign aid in that Ukraine had to root out corruption? That of course was before President Biden was elected President.

    How many people are going to college for free who cheated to get here? Do you mean DACA students who have only known this country and are as American as you or I? Now that they are not babies perhaps they don’t count? Or they’ve been born so they don’t count? Where is the moral compass there?

    Did you support the totally unproven lie campaign about the election – that President Trump Lost? Do you have proof otherwise we haven’t seen? How did you feel during the recovery of the economy during President Obama’s administration? Did you think it was a good idea to toss out everything learned under the SARs outbreak und President Obama and then have what we went through?

    You bring up moral issues, but what about all the proven lies said over and over by President Trump? Would you provide me a link to your editorial written at that time about the importance of a moral center based on truth?

    I think we have a problem with misinformation and that we need to ignore opinion and go back to the facts. We need to decide the value of another human being if they believe think or love differently than we do. You know who Alan Turing is right? What he did for the allies in WWII and how he ended up?

    The conservatives have the floor in Texas. The conservatives, the party of lincoln, are enacting voting restrictions, and gerrymandering districts to reduce the vote for many Americans. Is that moral?

    We’ll see if the pendulum swings back.

    Also all those BLM protests – how many went peacefully? How many had the police involved marching with the protestors? How many opened dialog?

    • Janet

      Your comments are better than the article itself. Well said!

    • R Reason

      Excellent; but you are letting ‘those in the majority’ off-the-hook too easily; it is not a “lack of empathy” being shown by them/us, it is “passive racism”. 

  18. Thorr

    In the 1920s, German Communists developed Marxist “Critical Theory”, in order to identify reasons for the failure of the globalist Communist Revolution (“Workers of the World, Unite!”) to spread beyond the Russian Empire. They determined that concepts like National Identity, Patriotism, National Traditions, Family Traditions, and Religious Traditions were obstacles to the spread of the “Revolution”. In the 1960s and 70s, Communists in the USA developed Marxist “Critical Race Theory”. Basically, Marxist CRT replaces “oppressed workers” with “oppressed minorities”, as a tactic, in the spread of Communist ideology. Some interesting books:
    “American Marxism”, by Mark Levin
    “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism”, by Paul Kengor
    “United States of Socialism”, by Dinesh D’Souza
    “BLM-Making a new Marxist Revolution”, by Mike Gonzalez

    • R Reason

      Also, The Conspiracy Theory Handbook by Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook

      • THORR

        Aspiring “diversity trainers” and “equity consultants” will be interested to know that Occidental College, in LA, offers a major in Marxist “Critical Theory and Social Justice”. Tom Hayden formerly “taught” at Occidental. Hayden was one of the founders of the Communist SDS, and had been married to “Hanoi Jane” Fonda. B.H. Obama spent two years at Occidental, before transferring to Columbia University, in New York, where he majored in “PolySci”. Herbert Marcuse, one of the “founders” of Marxist CRT, had “taught” at Columbia.

        • R Reason

          Thank you for the follow up to more reputable sources, rather than criminal authors and bias, poorly sourced, conspiracy websites.

          • THORR

            Another Communist with a “teaching” position at Columbia University was Kathy Boudin, who had been a member of the terrorist “Weather Underground”. Her son was the Soros funded, pro-criminal DA in San Francisco, Chesa Boudin. He was recalled as DA, by the far-right voters of San Francisco! Since both of his “parents” were in Federal prisons, little Chesa was raised, in Chicago, by two other Communist “Weather Underground” terrorists, William Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. Their “friends and neighbors” included B.H. and Michelle Obama.

          • R Reason

            “Lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories are not free speech. They are fraud and propaganda.”

          • THORR

            Two long time members of the Communist Party USA, with “teaching” positions (“Ethnic Studies”, “Gender Studies”) at U of California-Santa Cruz are Bettina Aptheker and Angela Davis. Davis was an early disciple of the Communist Herbert Marcuse, who promoted Marxist CRT in the 1960s. In 1980 and in 1984, Davis was the candidate of the CPUSA, for Vice President of the USA. The Communists didn’t receive many votes!
            Some interesting books:
            “Race Marxism”, by James Lindsay
            “Dupes-How America’s Enemies Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century”, by Paul Kengor

  19. R Reason

    I have a new grasp of what it means to “lash oneself to the mast”; except the name of the ship is the USS Republican and the iceberg is Donald Trump.

  20. Tom Milbank

    Unless we are willing to fight for America, we are lost. The elections are fixed. The first Amendment is dead as is the 4th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 22nd and 25th. We need a civil war to rid the criminals and communists from America

    • R Reason

      Is 18 USC Ch. 115 dead, too?

  21. Deborah Hartman

    I am so sad for my country. I’m angry and just want to cry at the same time. The momentum of the decline is staggering. I feel helpless.


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