It can be hard to predict where social trends will take our country. Often, things we thought would ruin America proved harmless. But because we put a premium on liberty, we tend to adopt a wait-and-see attitude even when things feel off. In some specific cases, this just won’t do.

So, with respect to the “transgender” movement, I want to be clear, at least where I stand. Should corporations, the government, and our “elites” keep encouraging this normalization of debauchery and mental illness, and should they keep pushing for the replacement of God with government, the destruction of the traditional family will be the obvious end result.

Let me give you an example.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in their “Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Toolkit” included guidelines for transgender breastfeeding.

Of course, male-to-female transgender people — who are biologically male — cannot give birth and so cannot breastfeed. It is not physically possible for a person who was born male to produce the milk that a baby needs to survive.


So, when the CDC states that “Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed),” it is issuing non-medical, ideological “advice” that will end up killing or severely malnourishing defenseless babies.

Here we have, from one of the premier health agencies in the world, life-and-death advice that has no basis in fact. That this will prove harmful to the most vulnerable members of our society does not seem to matter to the CDC.

The message from them and others is clear: “We are redefining everything from the ground up. Children should be free to sear off their genitals if they feel they are in the ‘wrong’ body. And men can breastfeed.”

There is nothing to do but bow before your new masters.

I want to take a moment here to let the reader reflect on just how far we have allowed America to degenerate. In any other time and place in history men breastfeeding babies would be inconceivable. Today, the most powerful and supposedly enlightened country in the world sanctifies the practice. I leave you to consider what’s next on the medical horizon.

This is the mentality of the trans movement. And backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government — not to mention the resources and sick enthusiasm of the private sector — it shows every sign of growing in power. And why should it not? There is no serious opposition standing in its way.

If you do attempt to point out publicly that a transgender person is obviously suffering from serious mental illness you will be castigated. If you affirm the undeniable fact that women, and women alone, are biologically capable of sustaining newborn life, you will be cancelled.

We already know, then, what will happen if you dare to point out the very obvious end-game — a total redefinition of nature — toward which this movement strives.