
Whistleblower Alleges Hunter Biden Lied Under Oath

Hunter Biden | Image by Andrew Leyden/Shutterstock
Hunter Biden | Image by Andrew Leyden/Shutterstock

Townhall recently reported that whistleblower documents allege Hunter Biden repeatedly lied while under oath:

“Weren’t we just writing about perjury?  Why yes, we were, in connection with Michael Cohen’s apparent lie under oath in his anti-Trump testimony last week.  Lying is what he does, of course.  But on a separate matter, whistleblower-provided documents are now fueling new accusations that Hunter Biden — the president’s son — lied at least three times during sworn Congressional testimony back in February.

“The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee lays out the evidence, which he says proves that the younger Biden “repeatedly lied to Congress in his February deposition to distance his involvement in what should be considered a clear scheme to enrich the Biden family.”

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