On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, the small Texas community of Uvalde was rocked by tragedy as a lone gunman entered Robb Elementary School and opened fire on students and teachers. The latest information says that 19 children and two teachers have died.

The gunman, Salvador Rolando Ramos, had just turned 18 on May 16. The Washington Post reported that Ramos was able to purchase a semiautomatic rifle on March 17, meaning he was not of legal age. He returned a day later to buy 375 rounds of ammunition.

In the days following his 18th birthday, he was able to purchase yet another semiautomatic rifle. Eight days later, he used those weapons to critically wound his grandmother and massacre an entire classroom of children and their teachers.

Governor Greg Abbott stated that current information shows that Ramos has no history of criminal behavior or mental illness. Abbott said that “there was no meaningful forewarning of this crime.”

However, the stories of those who knew him have started to paint a different picture, wherein Ramos allegedly displayed signs of mental anguish, violent behavior, and a disconnect from his peers and family, according to the Post.

Ramos lived with his mother up until two months ago. His previous neighbors gave insight into a rocky home life involving a drug-addicted parent with whom Ramos frequently fought.

Nadia Reyes, a former classmate, stated that Ramos would post Instagram stories where his mother would threaten to kick him out, and he would yell profanities at her.

As she recalled her time at school with Ramos before he dropped out, she said his friendships were short-lived as he had a habit of taking things too far and becoming defensive after offending someone.

Stephen Garcia, the self-identified eighth-grade best friend of the gunman, commented on how Ramos was treated throughout school.

“He would get bullied hard, like bullied by a lot of people. Over social media, over gaming, over everything,” Garcia said. “I think he needed mental help. And more closure with his family. And love.”

Garcia said he tried to be there for Ramos but moved away during their high school years. After Garcia left, he said that Ramos seemed to take a turn for the worse. He dropped out of high school and changed his outward appearance, growing his hair long and wearing all black.

Garcia said he had tried to reach out to Ramos a few months before the shooting but was brushed off as Ramos said he was going hunting.

Santos Valdez Jr., also 18, stated that he had known Ramos since childhood. They were friends in elementary school, but Valdez became concerned over Ramos’ behavior and said he no longer wanted to be friends with the troubled child.

Valdez stated that Ramos showed up at a park they often frequented to play basketball one day, according to the Post. Upon his arrival, Valdez noticed cuts all over Ramos’ face. When questioned, Ramos reportedly said that a cat had scratched him. However, after some time, he told Valdez that he had done it himself.

A shocked Valdez said, “Then he told me the truth, that he’d cut up his face with knives over and over and over,” Valdez said. “I was like, ‘You’re crazy, bro, why would you do that?'”

Ramos admitted to doing it for fun, according to Valdez.