President Joe Biden’s recent display of wit in response to a reporter’s question about the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into bribery allegations against him did not amuse many Republican lawmakers.

“Where’s the money?” Biden challenged in jest when confronted with whistleblower allegations that the FBI and DOJ have documents revealing he took bribes from a foreign national in exchange for favorable policy decisions, reported Fox News.

“I’m joking. It’s a bunch of malarkey,” he added after a pause.

The question was prompted by a remark from Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), a member of the House Oversight Committee who, after reviewing the evidence provided by the whistleblower, said that the implications are “worse than has been reported so far,” per Fox.

Mace also said there is “damning evidence the sitting President of the United States sold out his country in an ongoing bribery scheme” in an interview Thursday with Fox Digital.

In response to Biden’s “joke,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted, “It’s easy to be this flippant towards serious corruption allegations when you know your team of left-wing partisans will protect you at both the Department of Justice and in the corporate media.”

Some Republicans took the president’s satirical question at face value and proceeded to answer.

“When the Biden crime family went to mob school, they skipped out on money laundering class. They put the money in the 20 or so bank accounts and LLCs they created,” tweeted Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN).

Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) was even more specific in his tweet, stating, “Joe Biden just asked, ‘Where’s the money’ when pressed on whether or not he sold out the country with his family’s business deals. Joe, the money is hidden in the DOZENS of LLCs you & your family created to HIDE THE MONEY.”

He added a warning for Biden.

“You can run, but you can’t hide from House Republicans.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) called the allegations “complete garbage.”

The Oversight Committee member told MSNBC, “Well, my understanding is that there is information provided by an FBI source who has been credible, but has no firsthand information. So, this FBI source is reporting information to the FBI that was provided by the source from somebody else.”