Ukraine has repelled numerous Russian assaults along the contact line in Donbas this week, reports a UK military update on April 24.

“Poor Russian morale and limited time to reconstitute, re-equip, and reorganize forces from prior offensives are likely hindering Russian combat effectiveness,” tweeted the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense.


Despite some territorial gains by Russia, Ukrainian resistance has been strong across all axes, inflicting a high cost on Russian forces, according to a regular bulletin from the UK Ministry of Defense.

On April 23, the UK Government reported that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that afternoon, Mercury News reports.

The prime minister stated that Russia would be held accountable for its actions and that the British government was assisting in collecting evidence of war crimes, the UK Government reports. He also informed Zelenskyy of updated UK sanctions against Russia. He confirmed that the UK would reopen its embassy in Kyiv next week to show its support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Both leaders discussed how the UK would collaborate with partners to develop a long-term security solution for Ukraine. Prime Minister Johnson mentioned ongoing discussions with international partners to provide additional financial assistance, including last Wednesday at the G7 Finance Ministers’ meeting.

According to the UK Government, President Zelenskyy provided the prime minister with an update on the situation in the Donbas region. Both leaders condemned Russian military operations against civilian targets in Mariupol, Odesa, and Lviv. Both President Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on establishing a ceasefire and humanitarian corridor to allow civilians to leave Mariupol ahead of the UN Secretary General’s meetings with both leaders next week.

Johnson confirmed that the United Kingdom is providing more defensive military assistance, such as protected mobility vehicles, drones, and anti-tank weapons. President Zelenskyy also expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Johnson for the training of Ukrainian military personnel currently taking place in the UK.

Johnson concluded by reiterating the UK’s unwavering support for the Ukrainian people and pledging to continue working with international partners to provide the assistance needed to assist Ukraine in defending itself.