Dallas-based AT&T has dropped the television channel Newsmax from its cable network DirecTV, resulting in widespread criticism from supporters of the network — including former president Donald Trump.

During an interview on Monday with The Todd Starnes Show, Trump called AT&T’s decision “a disgrace,” reported Newsmax.

“What DirecTV — and that’s AT&T — did, I think it’s deplorable,” he said. “I think it’s deplorable . . . it shouldn’t be allowed.”

“Newsmax did well in the ratings, so they actually took something off that was actually doing well in the ratings, as opposed to other shows that don’t,” Trump continued. “This was done for political reasons, and [Newsmax is] going to end up winning that.”

At midnight on January 24, Newsmax — whose CEO, Chris Ruddy, described the brand in April as “a centrist, big tent conservative media outlet” — was cut from DirecTV’s satellite service, DirecTV Stream, and U-Verse.

“This is a blatant act of political discrimination and censorship against Newsmax,” said Ruddy in an article published by Newsmax. “The most extreme liberal channels, even with tiny ratings, get fees from AT&T’s DirecTV, but Newsmax and OAN need to be deplatformed.”


However, DirecTV claimed its decision was purely contractual business and had nothing to do with censorship or political discrimination.

“We had preferred Newsmax not leave our lineup, but once we hit an economic impasse on financial terms, we’re prevented by law from continuing,” DirecTV’s media relations department told The Dallas Express. “We cannot offer the channel without a contract. So, we’re trying to work with them now to renew.”

“Our differences with Newsmax are economic, not political or ideological,” the company said in an official statement, reported Next TV. “Newsmax made unreasonable demands that would force DirecTV customers to fund the network’s shift from a free nationwide streaming service to one that will require a pay TV subscription.”

“Since we would not agree to Newsmax’s demand to pay them tens of millions of dollars in licensing fees, DirecTV was no longer permitted by Newsmax to air its content,” the statement continued. “DirecTV is disappointed by Newsmax’s position. We prefer Newsmax had never left and remain interested in bringing Newsmax back under the right financial terms.”

Newsmax then released its own statement claiming the company “is seeking a very modest fee of about $1 a cable subscriber when we believe our market rate is $5, and it’s a key reason why hundreds of cable operators renewed with us last year,” according to Next TV.

“This is blatant political discrimination because DirecTV pays dozens of liberal-leaning networks fees higher than what we are asking and they typically have much lower ratings than Newsmax, which is the 4th highest-rated cable news channel,” the statement continued.

AT&T has previously drawn attention for its stances on and involvement in contentious political topics. For instance, in 2021, City Journal reported that the telecommunications giant had instituted an employee program called the “Listen Understand Act.” The “diversity and inclusion” initiative reportedly centered on Critical Race Theory. Some of its quoted assertions included “[w]hiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated” and “White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism; you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries.”

On January 26, however, DirecTV announced it would soon launch The First, another conservative commentary channel, on all three of its aforementioned services.

DirecTV Chief Content Officer Rob Thun said in a press release that the company “values different viewpoints and perspectives and will always work to preserve expansive choice among a wide variety of entertainment and information services to appeal to the unique tastes and interests of our diverse customer base.”

“As we’ve successfully done with other emerging channels, we look forward to helping The First continue to expand its audience reach, while constantly ensuring that our customers receive a strong value,” he said in the press release.

First TV CEO Christopher Balfe added, “DirecTV clearly recognizes the importance of offering a wide array of views and perspectives to their customers across the U.S., and we’re thrilled The First is now among them since we reach conservatives who aren’t beholden to any one party’s talking points.”

“We give rise to voices who are passionate about American values yet too often ignored, and now have a unique opportunity to broaden our reach without saddling DirecTV and its customers with any added financial demands,” said Balfe in the press release.