Law enforcement in Texas and Colorado worked together with federal agents to apprehend an individual smuggling meth between the two states.

In May 2022, the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) launched a criminal investigation into potential narcotics smuggling.

Authorities honed in on a suspect, a resident of Arapahoe County, believed to be driving to the southern border states and smuggling “substantial volumes of drugs” into Colorado.

SIU, in coordination with federal law enforcement, notified local law enforcement in Texas and informed them of the whereabouts of their suspect.

Texas authorities located the suspect near Dallas and executed a traffic stop.

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office announced Wednesday that during the traffic stop in Texas, police discovered 50 pounds of crystal meth that was bound for Arapahoe County.

Authorities disclosed no other information about the suspect, and the investigation is still underway.