Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in five of the six battleground states that are likely to determine the 2024 presidential election, according to a new poll released Monday.

Trump leads Biden in Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania among registered voters, polls from The New York Times, Siena College, and The Philadelphia Inquirer showed. Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin. All six states went to Biden in 2020.

A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll conducted last month showed similar results, with Trump beating Biden in six of seven polled swing states, as previously reported by The Dallas Express. The poll showed Trump leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina. Biden led in Michigan.

The New York Times polls showed Trump leading with registered voters by seven percentage points in Arizona, 10 percentage points in Georgia, seven percentage points in Michigan, 12 percentage points in Nevada, and three percentage points in Pennsylvania. Biden led by two percentage points in Wisconsin.

Among likely voters, the margins generally shifted a few percentage points in Biden’s favor, but Trump still led in five out of the six crucial states. Polls that included Robert F. Kennedy Jr. showed similar results.

Trump received more than 20% support among black voters in the New York Times swing state polls, which the outlet noted would be the highest level of support within the demographic for a Republican presidential candidate since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Biden and Trump were at a near-tie in the polls among Hispanic and 18-to-29-year-old voters — both groups that supported Biden by more than 60% in 2020.