The House Oversight Committee has created an interactive timeline detailing every alleged event in what it calls the Biden family’s global “influence peddling” operation.

Spanning multiple decades, the dossier begins during the first term of the Obama-Biden administration, during which time Hunter Biden entered into a business arrangement with Chinese investors to create a financial management company called BHR Partners. The company focused on state-owned Chinese enterprises and was controlled by the Bank of China.

In September 2014, BHR invested $1.7 billion in a Chinese Communist Party-linked petroleum and chemical company. About a year later, BHR and another CCP-linked entity purchased a U.S. automotive company for $600 million. In November 2016, the company purchased a stake in an African cobalt/copper mine for $1.14 billion.

Per the timeline, Hunter was allegedly also involved with another Chinese company called CEFC, in an engagement that started in December 2015. Periodic payments from CEFC ranging from $5,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars were made to an LLC named for Robinson Walker, an associate of Hunter Biden’s. Robinson Walker LLC allegedly wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to unspecified Biden accounts during the 2010s.

In July 2017, Hunter allegedly messaged a Chinese company to complain that his counterparts were not upholding their end of a bargain, and he apparently implied that he and his father would exact retribution unless the situation was remedied.

“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. … I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,” said Hunter Biden, according to the timeline. At that point in time, Joe Biden was the former vice president of the United States.

A few days later, Hunter Biden came away with a new arrangement involving CEFC, which included the creation of a joint holding company of which Hunter would own 50%.

The timeline claims that, in May 2014, then-Vice President Biden visited Romania to speak before civil officers and lawmakers about fighting corruption. Not long after that speech, his son Hunter began working as an advisor for a Romanian tycoon named Gabriel Popoviciu. Popoviciu was facing criminal charges for corruption and bribery, Fox News reported.

From 2015 into 2017, over $3 million linked to Popoviciu was allegedly sent from Robinson Walker LLC to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s company. The alleged wire amounts are noted in the timeline.

Regarding the latest revelations about Hunter’s dealings in Romania, U.S. Rep. William Timmons (R-SC) said, “We knew about China. We knew about Ukraine. Now it’s Romania. We need to know just how widespread the Biden Mafia Family was willing to go. In this two-tiered system of justice, one thing is clear: it pays to be a Biden,” according to Fox News.

The timeline also includes a widely reported December 2015 episode in which then-Vice President Biden allegedly threatened to hold back $1 billion in IMF loans to Ukraine unless a state prosecutor was dismissed. Following the alleged diplomatic exchange, Hunter Biden procured a seat on the board of Ukrainian energy giant Burisma.

Amos Hochstein, a high-level U.S. State Department official, raised alarms about Hunter Biden’s position with Burisma compromising the anti-corruption message that then-Vice President Biden hoped to send, reported Breitbart.

In a 2020 report, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) explained why Hunter Biden’s alleged bid to profit off his family connections would impede U.S. foreign policy interests.

“Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board hindered the efforts of dedicated career-service individuals who were fighting for anti-corruption measures in Ukraine. Because the vice president’s son had a direct link to a corrupt company and its owner, State Department officials were required to maintain situational awareness of Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma,” the report stated, per Breitbart.

However, the Oversight Committee’s ranking Democrat member, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), was not impressed by the investigation touted by his Republican colleagues on the committee.

“I thought we might be here today on the matter that the chairman declared his top priority — the crusade to find evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden — but now, the majority’s long-promised star witness turns out to be a fugitive from American justice,” said Raskin. The congressman was referring to Gal Luft, a key whistleblower who was criminally charged last week as a foreign agent, The New Republic reported.

“One thing you will not hear today is any evidence of wrongdoing by President Joe Biden or his administration. Like every other try by our colleagues to concoct a scandal about President Biden, this one is a complete and total bust,” claimed Raskin.