Flower Mound resident Jeff Younger recently spoke with The Dallas Express about his ongoing custody battle with his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas.

Georgulas refers to one of their fraternal twin sons as Luna, a transgender female, while Younger fiercely insists that the child is not transgender and uses his given name, James.

“The liberal judges in Dallas County got together, and they moved my case from the 255th district court, which had protected my son, to the 301st district court under Judge Mary Brown. I call her Bloody Mary Brown. Bloody Mary Brown systematically stripped me of all parental rights, even giving me supervised visitation because I would not affirm my son was a girl,Younger told DX.

The custody battle eventually reached the Texas Supreme Court, where only one judge sided with Younger. Younger said that even though Texas is a Republican state, the court did not help protect his son.

“Pretty much everyone in the Texas government abandoned my son,Younger said. “All they have to do is classify it as felony child sexual abuse and that fixes it, but they won’t do that, they want that loophole there because their donors will get very upset if they take out the loopholes.”

Younger criticized elected officials such as outgoing State Rep. Stephanie Klick (R-Fort Worth) for not helping him.


“The first time I met her at the capitol, first of all, she didn’t want to meet with me. It was one of the other representatives that introduced her to me from the hallway, and she flat out told me, she said, ‘We are not going to have hearings on this because there will be gay and transgender people who will get their feelings hurt,’Younger claimed.

“She was just willing to get kids castrated because of the feelings of some people,” he added.

Ultimately, the case would be transferred to California because Georgulas moved their children there.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Younger maintains that Georgulas moved their children to California to evade Texas law and benefit from SB 107. California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill, which went into effect on January 1, 2023.

California lawmaker Sen. Scott Wiener (D), the bill’s primary author, said that the legislation was arefuge for trans kids and their families.”

“SB 107 will protect trans kids and their families if they flee to California from Alabama, Texas, Idaho, or any other state criminalizing the parents of trans kids for allowing them to receive gender-affirming care,Wiener added.

“The first time I go into court in California, they violate their own laws and seal the case so the public cannot attend. I am under a strict gag order to not release documents,Younger said.

Younger noted that he defied the court and is talking about the case publicly as he believes in exercising the First Amendment. According to Younger, the court is now considering whether to jail or fine him.

Younger is challenging the gag order in federal court, hoping it will be declared unconstitutional.


Younger’s comments were initially told to DX journalist Carlos Turcios on Carlos Turcious’s Uncensored podcast.