State and federal officials reportedly declined to charge a former senior-level employee of the FBI after it was discovered the employee had allegedly solicited prostitutes on multiple occasions and failed to disclose “continuous contact” with a foreign national.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation into the employee after getting tipped off by the FBI.

“The OIG investigation substantiated the allegation that the Senior Level Employee had solicited prostitutes on multiple occasions at various massage parlors in the same geographic area, in violation of Department of Justice and FBI policy,” reads an investigative summary drafted by the OIG. “The … investigation also found that the Senior Level Employee had failed to self-report a close relationship with the foreign national, which resulted in the Senior Level Employee having close and continuous contacts with the foreign national, in violation of FBI policy.”

According to the OIG, the employee opted to resign before they could be interviewed by investigators.

“The OIG has the authority to compel testimony from current Department employees upon informing them that their statements will not be used to incriminate them in a criminal proceeding. The OIG does not have the authority to compel or subpoena testimony from former Department employees, including those who retire or resign during the course of an OIG investigation,” the summary reads.

No identifying information was contained in the OIG’s summary. It is unclear what the former senior-level employee’s position was at the FBI. It is also unclear where in the United States the former employee was working. The nationality of the “foreign national” the former employee was in continuous contact with was also not disclosed.

The Dallas Express reached out to the FBI and asked for more information about the employee, inquiring as to why the Department of Justice (DOJ) and state authorities declined to charge the former employee. No response was received by press time.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, the DOJ and FBI have been coming under scrutiny over allegations of corruption and political bias. A whistleblower had claimed multiple former FBI employees said they were fired for disagreeing with the FBI’s approach to investigating the events of January 6, 2021.

Subsequent probes by House committees yielded testimony that suggested the FBI had been running political interference for President Joe Biden and his family.