An FBI official has been subpoenaed after allegedly refusing to answer questions about accusations of retaliation against conservative employees at the law enforcement agency.

The official in question is FBI Executive Assistant Director of Human Resources Jennifer Leigh Moore, who Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) — chairman of the House Judiciary Committee — suggested last year was involved in a possible “purge” of conservative employees.

“[W]e received information suggesting you have retaliated against at least one whistleblower who has made protected disclosures to Congress … FBI whistleblowers have told the Committee that you have been involved with the security clearance revocations for those employees targeted for their conservative views,” wrote Jordan in a September 2022 letter to Moore, which requested for her to submit to a transcribed interview.

As previously reported in The Dallas Express, Jordan is leading the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, an effort to discover whether or not the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have become politicized.


While it is unclear when Moore submitted to a transcribed interview by the subcommittee, the proceedings did not occur before January 27, 2023, as suggested by a letter from Jordan to Moore.

“We have made multiple requests that you appear for a transcribed interview before the Committee concerning serious allegations of abuse and misconduct within the senior leadership of the [DOJ] and the [FBI]. Your testimony is necessary to further our oversight,” wrote Jordan.

In a statement released on Monday, Jordan’s spokesperson, Russell Dye said that Moore was being subpoenaed because “she refused to answer questions during her transcribed interview about the FBI’s retaliation against brave whistleblowers who have come forward to raise concerns about abuses they have seen at the Bureau.”

The FBI responded to the subpoena by issuing a statement of its own, Fox News reported:

“Executive Assistant Director Moore voluntarily answered questions from members and their staffs about the FBI’s security clearance adjudication process for several hours. She did not discuss the details of specific individuals whose cases are still under review to protect the integrity of the process and the privacy of the individuals.”

The statement went on to insist that the FBI is cooperating fully with the subcommittee.