Fallout continued this week after an undercover recording of a prestigious Midwest private school administrator went viral revealing that the school brought in an outside group to talk about sex, which included explicit and graphic discussion of sexual items like sex toys and lubricants.

Instead of responding to discipline the administrator, the school appears to have backed the actions of the administrator, which included passing sex toys around to children.

Francis W. Parker School (FWPS), a private school in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, was under fire for hosting a local LGBTQ “health” organization after a secret recording, allegedly of the dean of students, Joe Bruno, was released online.

In the video, Bruno appears to relish the graphic nature of the event.

“We do a Pride Week every year, and I had our LGBTQ+ health center come in…they were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students … talking about queer sex … using lube versus spit,” Bruno relayed.

“They’re just, like, passing around dildos and butt plugs … the kids are just playing with them,” Bruno continued. “They’re like ‘How does this butt plug work?’”

“That’s a really cool part of my job,” Bruno shared.

Bruno also shared that the school has had a drag queen named Alexis Bevels come to “pass out cookies and brownies and do photos” with the students, whom he said were ages 14 to 18.

The man recording the video asked if there had been any “big complaints” from parents about these kinds of activities.

“No,” Bruno replied casually. “It’s queer sex.”

When pressed about whether the governing board of trustees is informed about these kinds of activities, Bruno appeared confused by the question.

“Why would I run it by them? They would be like, ‘Oh my god, that’s wonderful!’”

According to the video, Bruno has been on staff at the nearly $40,000 per-pupil-per-year private school for four years.

Commenting on what it’s like to work at FWPS, Bruno said, “So much freedom … so much money to do stuff.”

The principal of FWPS, Dan Frank, sent an email out to parents after the incident claiming that Bruno was “targeted” and the video was edited with “malicious intent.”

Ironically, Frank warned parents about the contents of the video, writing in bold italic font, “Please know this video contains descriptive language. If you choose to view it, we ask you not to share it, because it will add to its viral power.”