Ryan Binkley, CEO and co-founder of Generational Group and senior pastor of Create Church in Dallas, has dropped out of the race for president of the United States, opting to support Donald Trump’s campaign instead. 

Binkley announced the suspension of his campaign and new “endorsement and unwavering support for President Trump” in a social media post on February 27. Binkley announced his candidacy for the presidency last April at The University of Texas at Dallas, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

Despite the end of his campaign, Binkley said that he still supports the original ideals behind it. 

“When I began this journey, it was with a message in my heart that our country needs to awaken to the fact that the unsustainable deficit spending and debt path we are on will undoubtedly lead us to a generational economic disruption,” said Binkley in the social media post.

“I believe that we can get off that path and begin a journey to balance the federal budget by transforming and demonopolizing the healthcare system which has been bankrupting our nation.”

Binkley also said that he believes the nation’s “political corruption and cultural divide” represent a greater threat than the nation’s monetary situation.

“Throughout my campaign, I have seen our party struggle to find a place for a new vision while weighing the corrupt allegations and indictments against President Trump. He will need everyone’s support, and he will have mine moving forward,” said Binkley. 

“While it is time for me to go back to my family, business, and church and care for the responsibilities I have been given, I remain steadfast in my commitment to my plans for the economy, border security, and healthcare,” said Binkley. “I look forward to considering other ways I can make an impact and promote my policy positions.”