President Joe Biden fell on stage Thursday after handing out diplomas at the U.S. Air Force Academy’s commencement ceremony.

Footage of the event shows Biden shaking hands with a graduating cadet before turning and immediately falling on his side. Secret service agents immediately came to his aid and helped him to his feet.

Biden appeared to have tripped on some kind of object on the stage, motioning toward it to security personnel after the fall. He then walked away unassisted, appearing unharmed.

Still, while Biden has fallen on a number of occasions without serious injury, questions have been raised by observers about his overall health and fitness. Even former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a recent interview that Biden’s age was “concerning,” as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

“[H]is age is an issue. And people have every right to consider it,” Clinton said.

Biden had previously mocked former President Donald Trump when he had fallen while descending a ramp at West Point during the 2020 presidential election.

“Look at how he steps and look how I step,” said Biden, according to Fox News. “Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps.”

Following his latest fall, Twitter users posted about the incidents. Some praised the president, while others alleged the president’s current state of health could affect his ability to lead. 

Brigitte Gabriel, founder and chairman of ACT for America, reposted footage of the event, suggesting federal officials should invoke the Twenty-fifth Amendment, which outlines circumstances under which a president can be removed from office. 

Brian Krassenstein came to the defense of Biden, referencing the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who himself had been confined to a wheelchair during much of his presidency. 

“I fell last week playing with my son. We should be cheering over the fact that he got up uninjured, not using it to fuel more hatred and division,” tweeted Krassenstein.