President Joe Biden’s health appears to be a serious matter of concern to U.S. voters, at least according to a new poll.

NBC News conducted the poll in mid-June, which resulted in some 68% of respondents registering their worry over the president’s health. It seems Biden’s advanced age of 80 has led many U.S. voters to express major to moderate concern that he may not have “the necessary mental and physical health to be president.” A substantial 55% of respondents indicated these concerns are “major.”

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also voiced concern over Biden’s age, once stating, “[H]is age is an issue. And people have every right to consider it.”

The state of former President Donald Trump’s health also evoked significant concern from the poll’s respondents. The 77-year-old’s mental and physical health caused moderate to major concern for 55% of respondents, NBC News reported.

Despite being embroiled in legal issues, the poll also found that Trump was still favored among his opponents in the 2024 GOP presidential primary. Almost half of Republican respondents were favorable to Trump leading the party. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second behind Trump, with 22% of those polled favoring him over the former president.

While Biden is favored to lead the Democratic ticket in the upcoming election, a recent poll suggested that a good chunk of voters support challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as The Dallas Express reported.

If Biden were to be re-elected in 2024, he would be 82 on inauguration day in 2025, solidifying him as the oldest president in U.S. history, according to The Washington Examiner.

However, Trump, the second oldest president based on when he took office, would be 78 on inauguration day in 2025 if he wins the election.

The NBC News poll also revealed that 44% of registered voters said they would “definitely” or “probably” consider voting for a third-party or independent candidate for president if the major party candidates are Biden and Trump.

As The Dallas Express reported, progressive activist Cornel West is running for the presidency as a member of the People’s Party. The bipartisan group No Labels has also been planning a third-party bid, with some speculation emerging that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) could appear as a candidate.